As the three grew older, Ryan became Meri's bestest buddy. They really enjoyed being around each other. Maddy was still right there and played with Meri a lot, but things were closer between my oldest and youngest for a while.
Now that Ryan is becoming more grown up and trustworthy and Maddy is more independent, those two go a lot of places together and actually enjoy each other's company again. Ryan went thru a phase where he refused to be Meri's bestest buddy and they grew apart a little. He kind of grew apart from all of us for a while... but he's matured a lot in this last year and enjoys time with all of his siblings and surprisingly, even with his aging parents! Mostly Maddy now, since they can go to PG 13 movies together. Meri feels a bit left out sometimes...
Maddy & Meri can get along, but only if they do NOT share a bedroom. And Meri stays out of Maddy's things. And Meri doesn't tick off Maddy. And Maddy doesn't say anything derogatory to Meri.. And Maddy doesn't tick off Meri.

So then I became very close to Melanie (4 years younger). We went everywhere together. After I got married and moved away, taking my clothes with me, Melanie grew closer to Kristin. Kind of strange how that works. But in a large family, it's pretty slick. Poor Kristin... There has to be a caboose somewhere, doesn't there?
Maddy played a Five for Fighting song for the 4H Share the Fun show last summer. Ryan knew that she loved Five for Fighting, so he happened upon John Ondrosik's email address one day and wrote him. Ryan told him how much Maddy loved his songs and asked for a signed photo that he could give her for Christmas 2008. John was so moved that a brother could be so kind to a sister that he sent the piano sheet music (autographed) for Ryan to give to Maddy. He also sent the autographed photo. Ryan was so thrilled that when it came time for Maddy to open his present, he made sure that everyone stopped what they were doing and watch her face. She was so surprised! and Ryan got her John's latest CD to accompany the sheet music and photo. She's got it mastered now.
Below is the video of her performance at the 4H Share the Fun where she's playing 100 years by Five for Fighting.
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