So I was out of town most of the day to the American Sewers Guild meeting, workshop and then to Maddy's piano recital at 4. I got home and started preparing for the party, which we were pretty sure not many people were coming for. My main prep work was putting away all my sewing stuff off the dining room table.
Ryan's friend, Amy came over mainly because those two and Maddy and a friend were going to the movies, but they were here for the party. Then Meri called the neighbor kids next door and reminded them about the party.
We served dirt cake that Meri & Robb made while I was gone and we bought the obligatory Twinkies for the dogs. Meri smeared whipped topping on them and for the final touch put a doggie treat sticking out of the top. The dogs ate them up and Duke was very happy. So happy that he scared the neighbor kid (Nick) and Nick climbed up on the kitchen counter to get away from him. Duke can be a bit scary. So Duke had to chillax in his kennel for a while until Nick and his sister had a chance to jump on the trampoline and eat some treats.
The surprise guest was a friend of Robb's from the office that was invited, Wavern. Wow! A grown-up coming to a kids dog party! We had great time visiting. I used to work in their office too up until four years ago.
So anyway... Duke is two years old now. He better quit the chewing up everything he sees bit, or there won't be a third...
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