Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Interesting morning so far...

Have you ever had a bunch of shampoo slide down your forehead in the shower and not notice it until it's burning your eyes out? I was blind for the next ten minutes! After trying to rinse it out with a wash cloth and then holding my eye under the hot water for a minute, I gave up, finished my shower blind, dried off blind and finally got up the nerve to open my eyes again. Man! It stung like crazy. I didn't realize that your eye lashes need a rinse and repeat as well...

Then at breakfast, Meri (9) made herself one of the gross omelettes. Spinach, shredded cheese, tomato chunks, blue cheese, hot sauce and salt/pepper. She's determined to make her own breakfasts this summer (school is out in 6 days) and maybe make us lunches this summer. That sounds like a deal! So she's eating her breakfast and she pulls out a chunk of something from her mouth, looking disgusted... It's a small piece of metal! I thought it might have come in the spinach or something until I looked closer. She had a filling fall out! So she's grossed out and thinking that she's going to be in pain all day, runs and brushes her teeth again. She's done eating...

So I guess we're headed to the dentist now on Thursday. Darn. Just when you think you've got a handle on the budget, some new expense hits you. We're still paying on Ryan's nose and car payments for the car that replaced the one he totaled..., and then there was the graduation, confirmation and hopefully college in another year.

Now I'm depressed...

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