My first date with Robb...
I was sitting in the computer lab at college, typing a letter to my sister rather than homework. I remember that another boy was sitting behind me at another station that I was kind of hoping would ask me out sometime... But Robb came into the lab and sat at the station next to me. He said... "You're going to know where this is leading in a minute... but are you dating anyone?"
I had been in several computer classes with Robb and seen him around campus in various activities. He worked in the computer building, so I saw him pretty often there. He once asked for a ride across campus from me when he had really left his car back at the computer building, just to spend some time with me... (I found that part out later.)
Anyway - back to the date. I drew him a map of how to get to my house. I commuted a 20 minute drive from home every day, so I didn't live in the dorms. My home away from home was either in the little restaurant in the commons or the yearbook office where I was the editor or the computer lab.
On the map, I was very precise on how to get to the country road we lived on. Gravel road, dust bucket city... past the golf course, past the dog kennel, around a corner and then drew a picture of my house. I was an art minor for one semester so I took great pains to draw the house in great detail...
So, the day of the big date... I got home from school and was anxious to get ready for our date. In the driveway I found a police car. My youngest sister, Kristin had been home alone (she was 12) and riding her horse in the meadow. Suddenly a car speeding up the gravel road slammed on their breaks and fish-tailed around in the road until they came to a stop in front of our house. Both men in the car pointed at Kristin and the house, then took off again. They turned around over the hill and came back slowly watching the house. Kristin freaked out and called the police, thinking she was going to be kidnapped... A little too much Kojak... but in this day and age, this was not a bad thing to do. She's a smart kid.
So anyway, a woman police officer was glad to see me. She hadn't wanted to leave Kristin alone until someone got home. This woman might have prompted Kristin into going into the police field later... But Kristin gave me the description of the car and it sounded very suspiciously like Robbs...
Robb came to pick me up and after seeing his car, he admitted that he and Tim had tried to find the house early and had been the "kidnappers". They had gotten lost for over an hour and only found the right place because of my drawing. But they would rather get lost earlier, than when I'm sitting there waiting for him... They were so excited to actually find the place that they slammed on the breaks and pointed... at the house... Then thought someone might think they were weird, so they went past, turned around and came back slowly. My dad called the police and called off the search.
My sister and her husband were there, and true to his nature, Ken made sure to stress to Robb that I only like expensive restaurants...
David Copperfield was great! I don't remember much of it, actually, other than I was thoroughly mesmerized. We went to Pizza Hut afterwards and since both Robb & Tim were Methodist ministers kids, they exchanged stories and jokes. We had a great time. I learned how a mouse once crawled up Robb's dad's pants during a sermon in a little country church, etc.
They wanted to go mini-golfing next, but I looked at my new pretty watch and panicked. I had a curfew of midnight and it was 11:30 according to my watch. We wouldn't be able to get a game in. I was too embarrassed to tell Robb that I had a curfew, so I just said that I had to be to work in the morning and needed to get home.
I remember Sharon asking me what time I needed to be there and when I said 8:30am, she looked perplexed and said, "Oh... that's early..."
They took me home and to my surprise all the lights were still on in my house. I was wondering why everyone was still awake. I said good night and went in.
To my surprise, everyone was awake and it was only 10:30pm. My new pretty watch was difficult to read and I'd called my date off early! I felt miserable and thought that Robb must think I had an awful time.
So when I got to work the next morning, I took along my college directory so I could call his dorm room. I worked for an insurance company and wrote down details of semi-truckers accidents when they called in after an accident. Then would call the appropriate adjuster to get it figured out. Great job! They only hired college kids for evening, overnight and weekends. Perfect for me, so I could study at the same time.
I called Robb's room and woke up a stranger! Apparently Robb had exchanged rooms with someone shortly after the year started and it wasn't reflected in the directory. So this guy went across the hall and woke up Robb. He was pleasantly surprised and yes, he thought for sure that I'd had a rotten time. So we set up a date for the next weekend.
So... 21 years later (+ 2 years of dating) this next Thursday, we be celebrating our wedding anniversary. Funny how things work out!
I SO remember Robb telling us this story AFTER the fact. He kept it a secret from everyone that he was going on a real-live date!!!
I ALSO remember your wedding! I didn't know you weren't supposed to wear white to a wedding and one of the guests (perhaps an aunt of yours??) yelled me out. I felt horrible! I also remember the peach socks! haha.
What a great pair you both have made!
Awww.It was meant to be. And how funny is it that he and his friend were almost arrested for kidnapping.LOL.
I love the story. What fun!
Cute story. Happy SITS day!
What a great story. And a happy ending.
happy SITS day.
So nice when things work out like that, even with the inevitable misunderstandings :)
That is a great story! I love the whole kidnapping part of things.
My husband picked me up in his Volkswagen Bug. He opened my door, got me in all gentlemanly, then went around to his side and tried to start the car. It wouldn't start. He didn't even skip a beat as he leaned into the back seat and said, "Be right back."
He went around to the back of the car where VW engines are and touched the screwdriver to the starter and the car roared to life.
Later on, I found out that that car hadn't started properly in over a year. He just wanted to pretend it would start.
Awww I love the photo of your puppy with the walkman on. So cute! Those pet washing places are nice and convenient but I have to wash my dog every week because he has such oily skin and hair. I ended up getting one of those snake shower nozzles so I can hose him down. In the summer, we wash him in the backyard. No pet pampering for our stinky pup! :-)
What a sweet story! I met hubs when we were working. We are both teachers and our classrooms were right next to each other. When we were dating, it was like all of our jr high kids were little spies. They would tell me, "He said you look pretty today!" Sweet memories!:)
That is HILARIOUS!!!
I asked my hubby out for a coke after church one Sunday. Turned into a 7 hour date, and I knew that very day that I was going to marry him. It's been almost 10 years now!
That's a great story!
Happy SITS Day!
Cheers :-)
- CoconutPalmDesigns
I like this story. It is very sweet with humor mixed in. The ultimate love story :)
WOW! That old "Black Magic" will get you every time...even when performed by David Copperfield!...:)JP
My husband and I met on an internet dating site. We talked to one another via email and on the phone several times before we made plans for our first date.
We went out to dinner at a fun restaurant and the waiter was a total dork. He kept forgetting to come to our table for our order, to bring dinner and so on. He even made a dumb joke about my now husband taking "all his dates" there. He lived an hour away, so somehow I doubt that. When it was time for us to leave, he gave my husband a hug.
Then we went to go dancing but the place was closed. Bummer. So we decided to go to a bar and play pool instead. Neither of us drink so this was an experience in itself, going to a bar. We played pool very very badly and laughed hysterically at how serious terrible we were.
When he took me home, I suggested he put a cd in his car and we danced in my driveway.
I just asked my husband and neither of us can remember if we kissed good-night. That's really sad.
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