Elle Bee over at bunchabenhams made me think of this pic of my youngest when she was learning to crawl. Of course she could only crawl backwards and while visiting my SIL in Kansas City, she managed to crawl backwards underneath the guest bed... She was pretty angry. But I thought it was so funny, I had to find a camera first and snap a show before we helped her out.
No babies were harmed in the making of this blog post... Just their dignity... a little...
Oh, to have them only in this kind of trouble these days...
Ha! I know what you mean! I think of a couple years ago wishing Punky would grow out of this or that "phase" only to discover another even more "fun" one right behind it. Newest one: just flat out ignoring what she's told, or trying to argue her way out of it. Ugh!! And at the same time, so similar to me that I can't escape it, ha.
Oh how cute! It's so funny how they sometimes crawl backwards, they can't seem to get that whole moving forward thing yet. :)
Hahahah! That's so funny! Aw, poor babies and their mean photograph-shootin' mommies! he heh e. Thanks for the shout out up there! :o)
Poor baby!! But funny pic!
Some of my favorite pictures of my kids are when they are pouting or crying. Those faces! Good job catching the moment.
What would we do without cameras, LOL?
My middle son (now 22) was also a 'backwards crawler.' He used to get himself half-stuck under the couch all the time!
Too funny. Glad you got a picture of it. :)
I know this is an older post...but this pic is hilarious...absolutely hilarious. Too funny!
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