Here are a few shots of our Saturday afternoon at the State Fair. Meri & I were drenched and I mean drenched when we finally got to the fair grounds, but I was determined to finally see the butter cow this time. No one else in my family cared to see it, but I wanted to... Impressive huh? Makes me want to grab a crescent roll and knife!

In the Snakes Alive shed, Meri made several new friends... Trust me... Not the sort you want your kids to hang around.

You could get your pic taken with this python wrapped around you, but I thought we could spend the $10 on fair food instead... Meri wasn't happy with me, but I'd just spent $10 on new shoes for her again!

That's my boy! Yep - the male model... His outfit was pretty wrinkled up from a full day of modeling in it, but oh well. He did a very nice job.

And you can't leave the fairgrounds until you see Taylor Swift! Or at least someone who looks like her. Meri saw a Taylor Swift lookalike and a Jonas brother lookalike, but he got away too fast. Darn paparazzi!
Love the look-a-likes! I wanna see a butter cow...only at the fair I guess!
Saying a quick prayer for your dad. :)
Oh - the butter cow was life-sized... and Thanks MiMi! I appreciate that!
Love the Iowa State Fair!!! :)
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