Our house rule is this... If the chocolate for that day is still there after they go to bed that night, it's mine... That way, Robb and I get a little chocolate too when the kids are forgetful...
I think this year, I'll order a couple of each of these.

What are your pre-Christmas season traditions and preparations?
We get those every year too! And we also try to do the Christmas chain like I did when I was a kid. Make a chain of paper rings and tear one off for every day that passes before Christmas. Not as good at CHOCOLATE.
When the kids were younger we always made reindeer food to scatter around the back yard. We have a Christmas countdown calendar that we use also.
my kids love those too...
I have the best Aunt who one year when i was younger gave me this cute sack she made...inside was 24 tiny little toys/stickers/small things like that....each day starting on Dec 1st I got to take ONE item out of the bag (24 count-down to x-mas)...I could not look inside....I still remember it as one of my FAVORITE memories growing up...I have made them for my boys now...and they LOVE it...they look forward to each morning all thru December....i love how excited tehy get!
...I hang their bags on their door with one of those over-the-door-wreath-hangers...works great..and they are not tempted to peak!
I don't like preparing ahead - just like wingin' it - drives my tradition-minded husband crazy ;-)
that's a sweet tradition...
I can't wait for the holiday season to arrive! too bad I have no interesting tradition to share, I used to buy a special Christmas ornament but I stopped since I have more than enough now...
What a great idea! I like your 'rule' too :) Although in my house, there wouldn't be any candy left at the end of the day.
Even though our sons are 23 and 21, I still buy the chocolate advent calendars. Out Hallmark store and small Mom and Pop market sell them.
Now, do you really want me to go into all of pre-Christmas preparations:) I'm almost finished making our cards and food lists for special dinners and parties from Thanksgiving through New Year's day. A lot of my time will be spent making cookie trays from Thanksgiving till the 2nd week in Decemeber, (this year I've been asked to sell them - a huge compliment)so that's keep me extra busy!
Big Hugs and Mistletoe Kisses;)
I love advent calendars. It was a tradition when we were growing up to get our very own calendar out of the Christmas box and hang it in our room. I still have mine! Ours didn't have chocolate--just pictures behind the doors, but we loved them so much.
We also do an advent calendar and we have a taking Santa calendar that we count the days on.
I love Advent Calendars. And we do Christmas books. I wrap all our Christmas books before Dec 1. Each night from the 1st to the 24th, each tot gets to unwrap a book and those 2 are the night's stories. 48books total are wrapped. This way we build up to Christmas and since we don't focus on the material side of Christmas too much, they get to open gifts all month long. Did that all just make sense?
I buy/make a special ornament for each one of my 3. Of course, we have so many ornies now we can't get them all on the tree.lol
When they finally leave home for good, I'll have a whole set of holiday ornaments with special meaning for their 1st place for each of them.
Another tradition was to make xmas cookies together when they were little.
Also, after the kids went to bed xmas eve, I would hang/hide the traditional xmas pickle ornament. The 1st one to find it on the tree got a special treat.
We still do that one even tho they are all teens now.
We also pick a local underprivileged family and provide xmas for them(food & gifts).
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