On Friday, right after work, I headed up some 4H kids and we put together a display window for a county wide contest. It looks great with balloons and everything. I just need to post one more thing in the window and I'll probably do that over lunch. Several kids showed up to help, so it went pretty quickly.

That night at the football game, it rained. A nice soft, cold rain... Meri still did her cheerleading bit with about 40 other little girls and they looked adorable, perky and wet.
The marching band played in their regular clothes instead of uniforms because they needed to keep their uniforms clean for the parade the next day. Oh and they got 1st place at the parade!

On Saturday, Meri and Robb took off for a 3 hour trek to Western Iowa for the birthday bash of the fall. My niece Brooke's 1st birthday! I wasn't able to go and went to the LWMS mission rally instead. I'm the circuit secretary, so I took notes and enjoyed a really good talk on the Sudan and the refugees from there. Really interesting!

Saturday night was my night to sew! I made just one duffle bag. I used the selvage as much as I could because it still added some accent without being cutesy! This is for one of my nephews for a Christmas present. It turned out rather well. I reinforced all the seams because boys will be boys and jam as much in them as possible...

This is the denim to make the remaining duffle bags. I think I've got about 4 or 5 left to make for just boys. I'm thinking some a bit more feminine and personal for the girls. Still thinking on that.

On Sunday after church, I needed groceries badly... So Robb and the girls headed home and I hit our local Sams Club. My lunch basically consisted of a nut mix that I got suckered into after trying some samples... Me and an empty stomach do not bode well for grocery shopping...
Then later in the afternoon, the girls and I headed for our 4H Cloverland fun fest! They had a blow up slide that Meri just LOVED. Look at that! I caught her midair! She liked bouncing down it.
Maddy played her State fair piano piece as well as whatever else she had memorized at the time. The Office theme, the theme from Anastasia, a piece she played for church several weeks ago, the first few lines of a song from Wicked. There were only a couple kids going to play, so they told her to play as much as she wanted. She played for about 15 minutes!
Then we grabbed some popcorn and headed home. I sold one of the hedgehogs yesterday afternoon! Whew! We're down to 3 now. Hopefully we can sell one more.
Ryan came over for supper last night and chowed down on all the grilled chicken. Apparently he doesn't eat meat much at his new place... I sent a bunch of groceries home with him and his winter coat and jacket. It's been getting colder. It was a very nice time. We talked about a hundred different things. He's a good kid.
What a busy weekend! This week is going to be a rush too... but I hope I can get more relaxation time next weekend. Working for the weekend is my theme song today!
Wow, what a busy & fun weekend! Glad you were able to sell a hedgie. They should come with a whole instruction manual ... the persnickety little critters. I love them though. That duffle bag is awesome! I don't know that I would even attempt that! -Tammy
Your weekend sounded as busy as mine was! That is an awesome duffle bag... sew cool!
Thanks for visiting my blog today!
Phew! I'm tired! You were waaaay busy this weekend! I'm glad you enjoyed all those fun activities...well, I can't say buying groceries is really fun, not even at Sams
WOW! I can't believe that you shoved that much into a few days. I think that you need a break. And I loved your duffel bag and thank you for sharing your life. I'm tired and need to go lay down cuz just reading about your life maded me sleepy!
What a weekend ! You have a lot of energy. The duffel bag is very nice.
That sounds like one fun weekend. I am hoping that I will have a relaxing weekend soon!
OHHHHH - I can do some serious damage shopping on an emtpy stomach. Good thing you just got away with trail mix!! I love bloggy stalkers :) Thanks for stopping by.
WOW! you made that bag?!! You are awesome!
...my bank account is glad we no longer live near a Sams Club.....;)
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