Friday, February 26, 2010

Random Friday thoughts

My random Friday thoughts list...

Don't forget my giveaway! If you haven't signed up already, please do it! Click HERE. And for every idea you give me for gift sewing and craft ideas, you get extra entries! Slugmama really is trying to get her moneys worth! :)

I hate my new cell phone. The headphones don't work on it, the ear piece volume is sporatic and I've misplaced it 3 times. I found my old phone on Ebay and have ordered it. Can't wait for it to come so I can switch over to it! I don't think I'm smart enough for a "smart" phone...

Do you know you can make popcorn salt by dumping a bunch of regular salt in the blender and let it run for a few minutes? Works great on fresh popped corn and lasts a good long time! Just don't inhale when the lid comes off the blender... You'll retain water for a month...

The Office reruns have been on tv and our tivo is picking them all up. Much to the chagrine of my husband who hates "cringe" humor. I've been watching them over my lunch breaks, so he doesn't have to suffer thru them.

Yesterday, I finally took the Christmas lights off our front lilac bushes and off the porch. The snow can leave now.

The temps here are supposed to get up to 30 today! My youngest said it'll feel like the tropics! She's right. I'm digging out my shorts.

I get to take Tuesday afternoon off from work!! Meri and I are going to go do girlie things! Any suggestions?

Believe it or not... I'm looking forward to spending some time sorting and working in the garage tomorrow... I'm weird like that.

Our garage has little girl foot sized paint tracks running thru it. Meri got into some paint when she was little and painted a skunk stripe down the back of our Basset hound, then ran thru the garage barefoot, tracking the stuff. The dog looked stupid for a while and we left the floor prints alone. What a cute reminder of how little they once were.

Babysitting for a friend from church tomorrow night. One of them is in my Sunday school class. Should be fun!

Have a great weekend!


Macey said...

I never realized it, but that's a great word for it...CRINGE humor.
I didn't know that about the salt! I'll have to tell my husband who loves popcorn AND salt!

Pam said...

My niece got mad at her sister once and painted a skunk stripe down her back. We laughed about that for months.
Girl THings, huh? I suggest doughnuts.

Anonymous said...

I don't watch "The Office" because I hate the sick, embarrassed feeling I get when every the main character opens his mouth. Same feeling the kids gave me when they were young and had this hilarious joke to tell everyone at church.

The Old Parsonage said...

Banana Splits
Shoe shopping/dreaming
Chick Flicks/Musicals

Have a blast!

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

That's funny about the Christmas light... our have been down for about a month. Sadly they are still piled up in a chair on the patio.

Sonya Ann said...

Does a nap count as girlie stuff? I think that it does.
And I love the paint story!!!

mamahasspoken said...

I don't like the office either, just don't get the humor...
Love the paint story too! I would have poylurthan those foot prints!
Pedies, manies and lunch would be my ideal girly day but then I don't have daughters....

Big Mama Cass said...

My husband is the same about the Office. I laugh and laugh and he thinks I am crazy.
I am SOOOO anxious for summer!!!!!

KK said...

Those foot prints sound precious. I think it's a great idea!

Carma Sez said...

I like the Office but I've gotta agree with your husband about the 'cringe factor' when Michael does all his non-PC stuff

slugmama said...

"Just don't inhale when the lid comes off the blender... You'll retain water for a month..."

My dh can't stand to watch the Office either. But we must since it supposedly takes place in Scranton PA, the town where DH works.

And I am just crushed that after all my hard work I STILL didn't win the pillowcases!
sniff, sniff.....ok, I'll stop whining since it's too late for the sympathy

The pillowcases look awesome tho Val....very pretty! Would have looked wonderful with my yellow quilt....sniff, sniff....I just can't help myself w/the

Congrats to Dawn!

kado! said...

my husband and i both love the is one of the few network shows we will watch! but your right it is Cringe humor...stuff that you hope never really happens in real life!


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