We awoke just a little while later with a phone call from one of Robb's concerned brothers who had been watching the flooding reports on tv and saw that our town was in the news. We went out on the deck and took a look at our sudden lake front property. Instead of a deck, we had a dock... It was kind of cool until you realized what kind of scum was swimming past you and how many of your neighbors were suffering because of it. Mistakenly leaving the deck door open slightly. Our golden retriever decided to go down to the yard and ran down the steps into the swirling water. Robb jumped in after her and standing waist deep in the rushing water dragged her back to the deck. He went for a tetanus shot the next day.
We weren't the only ones up for the rest of the night. Our neighbors to the north had their basement filling up with sewage. The people to the south of us had a nice big basement window overlooking their back yard and the creek had broken through. All the houses on our street with their backs to the creek got water in their basement. Ours was dry. Robb likes to think that his dad, a Methodist minister, had stood on the back deck parting the water. I prefer to think that God had led us to purchase this house that only had a small basement window on the back side, but we could both be right I guess. Water came up to within an inch of coming in the window but didn't come through.
The water finally went down the next day and we spent that day helping neighbors haul things out of their basements. YUCK! Bleaching down walls and scooping out creek mud. Dead fish everywhere.
With the snow melting so fast right now, I'm seeing news on tv that reminds of this time vividly. We're expecting more rain today and the snowdrift on our patio has visibly gone down a couple feet since yesterday. Parts of our front yard are showing yucky brownish green grass. Since then, we've moved across the creek and live on a hill so the creek won't bother us at all if we get a repeat of 1996.
And for the sake of the people on the other side of the creek, we're praying, God-willing, that the creek don't rise!
Holy Cow! What an experience! The closest I've ever come to that kind of thing is being snowed in for a few days (with about three inches of snow! Yea! Gotta love SoCal!!)
Yikes! That's really scary.
Scary! Hope that doesn't happen again!
That is a story! I hope that you don't flood too.
I liked that part about parting the "sea."
You and your son are adorable but you know this already!
Our neighborhood flooded in 2000. The city backed the sewers up into the less expensive neighborhoods to save the more expensive ones. Everyone lost everything in their basements. We had $40k in damage.
Last year some of the houses around here flooded, we didn't, but we spent days cleaning and cooking for everyone. But everyone was very close after it.
Have a great weekend!
My parents house flooded once, it was HORRIBLE!
That's a cute picture of you and your boy... :)
Our basement flooded once due to the sumpump wasn't working. Awful mess it was especially since we have a finish basement! Now we check the pump every time it rains to make sure everything is working. I don't ever want that mess again!
How scary! I worry about floods. Water just does what it wants!
Wow! I am so glad your basement didn't flood.
The pic of you and your son is precious!
Love the picture! Sorry to hear about the horrible experience. and can I get the recipe for those dingle things above, they look like they are filled with apples...
Love the picture! Sorry to hear about the horrible experience. and can I get the recipe for those dingle things above, they look like they are filled with apples...
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