But suddenly I get a cell call from Meri. She's a bit excited because she's lured a stray dog into the house. I sign myself out for a break and go in to find out what all the fuss is about. There is a cute little dog with a curled up tail in my kitchen. Adorable little thing... and Meri wants to feed it. Ummmm yeah...

Second... Isn't the old saying that you shouldn't feed a stray or they'll keep coming back a real thing??? I mean - look what happened to my son!
This dog is not wearing a collar, but Meri "thinks" she remembers it from when she had a lemonade stand last summer. But doesn't remember whose it is.
Some of our neighbors let their dogs out to roam the neighborhood, so I was kind of hoping this was one did too... but it slipped it's collar somewhere. We don't have a town cop, but have 3 state troopers that live down our street. I really didn't have anyone to call or anywhere to keep this dog without our dogs going ballistic. So I picked it up and set it out on our porch. Let it go home. I'm thinking this was a mistake...
Later on, I realize who's dog it was and don't have their #. We're running errands after work when it occurred to me. I'm feeling terrible for letting the little dog go. I hope it found its way home!
Update: Dog made it home last night. Just found out! Thanks!
Awww. maybe he will come back this afternoon and you can take him home.
I'm sure it is happily back home; ease your mind....
Oh my goodness! I hope it got home!! You should check.
Awe! I'm sure it found it's way home. And it looks SO MUCH like my old Shiba Inu. What a pretty puppy.
But you shouldn't feel guilty. That's a lot of chaos for you to be dealing with.
Sounds like something I would have done when I was little. I use to bring home strays all the time.
Your place might be a magnet for dogs! Dogs know where to go for love and affection...sounds like you have the perfect place for that.
that's a very cute dog!!
That happened at our house and we kept it. But it was a cat, if that matters at all. He never shuts up! So it is probably best that he went home!
Also, I threw that award back at you on Cheap Wine and Cookies, though, of course, I will exempt you from having to do 10 more fun facts. But you are one of my absolute most loyal commentors!
I'm a sucker for a stray.
He's a cutie...I'm sure he's safe at home. He was probably just out checking the neighborhood.
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