Sorry about my bummy post yesterday! It was a rough day and reminiscing about dead pets really doesn't help as much as you'd think...
Pam at Mom's Mutterings gave me something get perked up about tho! She awarded me with...

• Thank the person who gave this to you. THANKS PAM!!!! You're so sweet!
• Copy the logo and place it on your blog. CHECK
• Link the person who nominated you. CHECK
• Name ten fun facts about yourself. Oh BOY! Let's see if I can do this without repeating things you already know.
1) I get to meet one of my bloggy friends next week IRL!!!!
2) I have a statue of a basset hound on my steps landing. It freaks out the puppy.
3) I used to think it was cool to put my left foot out the window when driving in the summer. The wind felt good between my toes... I was 18... (Maddy - don't you EVER do this!!!)
4) My sisters and I would spy on my oldest sister from my upstairs window when her dates brought her home.
5) I dated a sports news-caster when I was a freshmen in college. He was over 10 years older than me and my parents liked him!!! Boy was THAT a mistake. Dad should have been cleaning his gun when he picked me up.
6) Again in college, I was determined to have my own place.. since I was commuting and talked my parents into letting me have the room above the garage. Not exactly a Fonzy apartment... I'll blog about it sometime...
7) Robb and my first apartment killed the breaker switches whenever the fridge motor and the window air conditioner kicked on at the same time.
8) I have a booth at our local antique mall and am losing money on it currently. Not a fun fact... just a fact. I guess the fun part of that would be they give away free cookies when you go there! Yum!
9) I love Diet Doctor Pepper and thought at one time, before I discovered diet pops, that diet pop tasted like kerosene. It really doesn't anymore.... Improvements in technology, taste buds, whatever...
10) My family used to go to Sandstone, Minnesota every summer to attend our churches vacation bible camp, but the camp closed the year after I turned 8. You could stay in the cabins for girls starting at age 8, so I got to stay in the cabin once that summer anyway... I felt so grown up to be "camping" without my parents! They were in a cabin across the yard.
Ok - I'm supposed to give this to my top 12 most frequent commentors on my blog. I want to give it to all of you, but rules are rules...
Some of you probably were on Pam's list too. So now you have to do 20 fun facts! HA! Pam since you just gave me this award, I won't throw it back to you, but you're one of my most loyal commentors too!
Sonya Ann at A Mom, Money and More
Mimi at Living in France
Kshotz at Ewe & Eye
Colleen at Cheap Wine and Cookies
Southern Gal at Just Me and My Thoughts
Mama Has Spoken at The Mama Has Spoken
Crafty Girls Workshop at Crafty Girls Workshop
KK at Kamp KK
Dawn at Must Love Tots
Yankee Girl at Adventures of a Yankee Girl
Annie Jones at Real Life Living
Frances at Looking for Deals
Carma at Carma Sez
AMarie at My Money Mission Online
I went over a little more than 12 didn't I? oops... And there are so many more that SHOULD be on this list! If I've missed you, please accept this award! I love you guys!
OH!!! I almost forgot! I also got a package in the mail yesterday from PJ at PJ's prayer line.
Ok - now my big love fest portion of the "thank you" blog... You guys are so great and I'm so blessed to have so many virtual "imaginary" friends!
Hey, Thanks for the award! Would love to ask what you learned by spying on your older sister coming home from dates....but I'll let it go.....
Have a great day!
Congrats on your awards! And have fun meeting a blog friend in real life. :)
Congrats on the awards and thanks so much for passing one on to me!
I am so jealous you are meeting a blog friend! I am reading about a ton of people meeting up and I feel so left out. I MUST find some bloggers in my area to meet pronto!
I don't drive with my left foot out the window in the summer, but I do put it up on the dash. It just feels so comfortable, though I know it's probably a very bad idea!
the blogger buddy award is so cute :-) thanks for including me! Have fun with your blogger friend next week. So many have blogged about meeting blogger friends and I've yet to see any in person; Hey, if the antique mall has good cookies, at least that's some measure of consolation. kinda.
First I would like to thank the academy.Or You like me, you really like me! It's your pick!
Thank you I feel special, in a window licking sort of way!!
I am glad the award perked you up. : ) Those facts were hilarious. I want to hear more about the sportscaster.
I had a job like this the last couple of years. Plus with the down turn in the economy we were fact shuffling a lot. My hours were getting cut more and more and so I quit. There was more for me to do at home then to was time shuffling merchandise. Have a good day. I like your sewing projects.
Ok Sally, SonyaAnn stole my line!lol
Thanks for the award! I blogged and commentd on blogs for over a yr before I finally got an award....I'm just slow or a late bloomer or something, huh?
Thanks and someday I'll get it posted on my blog....because....I'm a rebel....or wait!...I have'm a procrastinator....or am I just crazy? You pick!
Thanks for the award! Now I have to think of 10 things about me?? That should take me....oh....30 seconds. LOL!
McVal, I just realized that I am confuse. (Not that unusual for me.)
Are you giving us all both awards, or just the Bloggy Buddy award? LOL! I don't want to be sharing facts about myself if I don't have to. (I am SO shy and retiring!)
Congratulations and thank you! You are a great blog buddy. :)
I think I did that percolatin' thing at a lot of my jobs when the boss walked in.
Congrats on the awards. You deserve them!
Aw shucks. You shouldn't have.
Congratulations on your lovely awards!! That books sounds wonderful - mentally adding it to my longgggg booklist.
And bloggy buddies ARE real friends!! Hugs to you! award! YAY! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
You have way more interesting facts than I have...I want to hear more about the sportscaster! HA! LOL
I LOVE Diet Dr. Peppr (though I can't drink it right now - the internet says I can, but it still worries me).
Thank you for the award! I will get it up as soon as possible!
Excuse my horrible manners! Congrats to you and thank you so much!! I'll be posting about on the weekend.
Aw thanks!!
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