Thursday, March 25, 2010

You know you're a cheapskate when...

Time: 1980's
Place: Western Iowa

I had my Ford Pinto and life was good. It was getting toward spring and almost illegal to run studded tires on the streets. For some reason that I don't remember, I had studded tires on my car... Maybe my friends from church sold it to me that way. Don't recall. I'm old now.

I was broke, as usual. In high school with a part time job, I had to buy my own clothes. Couldn't depend on borrowing two of my sisters anymore since they had gotten married and moved out, taking all their clothes with them. No new tires in my future... unless one blew out, then I'd spring for a cheap $5 used tire from the local tire center.

So as the deadline for no studs on the road came closer, I was in somewhat of a panic. I don't remember if I got this advice from my dad or my brother, but they said that it was possible to pull the studs out of a tire with the right tool. hmmm....
A beautiful spring Saturday rolled around and I had nothing to do. So... I found a tool that I thought was appropriate. I think it was a nail puller contraption. Jacked up one corner of the car and removed a tire. Plucked every single blooming stud out of that tire and returned the tire to the car.

I was an expert at changing tires by the way... Living on a gravel road with nails littering our driveway. Who wouldn't be?

Jacked up the next corner and did a repeat of the last until I had made it all the way around the car.

When I told my dad what I'd done, he was shocked. Apparently the tire could have popped in my face and caused some serious bodily harm... But the tires worked and my little "Cruiser" was legal once again.


Annie Jones said...

I never had studded tires (not sure I've even ever seen them other than in pics). But I did have a Chevy Vega for a while. And boy was it fast! If you were going downhill.

Sammy said...

I hadn't heard of studded tires before but I can't believe you pulled them all out by yourself! Crazy!?

Patricia said...

Wow, I'm amazed you pulled them out yourself. Nothing like waiting till you've done it to be surprised and tell you how dangerous it was. *L*

Macey said...

For some insane reason, those cars always remind me of plain m&m's.

Susie said...

I have never heard of those tires either! I guess I learned something new today:-)

Carma Sez said...

I had studded tires for my Plymouth Champ back when I lived in NJ. Handy in the snow. Good ingenuity there!

Frances said...

Studded tires? I thought people in snow country used chains. I never knew there was a special tire.

You were so daring and so lucky!

Sonya Ann said...

I did all my own car repair too, back in the day! I'm just not going to tell you what day.

karen said...

My goodness that sounds scary....altering tires. I'm glad you're still around to talk about it.
I couldn't change a tire to save my soul!!

mamahasspoken said...

I think studded tires are showing our age. Though we never changed them out and never got in trouble for having them....

w said...

wow. even pulling nails out of a tire just seems like too much work for me.

KK said...

LOL, "nail puller contraption" yep, that's their technical name. I'm so glad they didn't blow up!

Covnitkepr1 said...

Oh if only we could return to those days...about all thats left is "listening to the oldies"

I show my support of this blog by being a follower.

Lori said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice message. T.J. is such a little handful. . lol. They are adorable little dogs. I enjoyed looking around your blog. It's full of different info which I like a lot.

Have a great weekend!!

Lori & T.J.

Magdalena said...

I don't think I ever had studded tires, but sure could use them during the winter months up on this mountain where I live. I just coast on down.
Fun post.

The Old Parsonage said...

Oh My sweet friend

I've missed my visits here! You can make me laugh, I can just picture you with your grips! Thank goodness it all worked out!

Enjoy your weekend!

Debbie's L'Bri said...

Your guardian angel was watching you that day. :)

kado! said...

oh my gosh! that is funny!

I don't even know how to change a tire and never wanted to learn...someone tried to show me once but I'd rather not know so that someone else had to do it!!!


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