A coworker mentioned something off the cuff yesterday at work that I hadn't heard before. According to him, he'd heard from a relative's friend who claimed her friend (yeah yeah... you get the idea) ...said that the reason that one directive air passengers are given to follow upon crash landing, to stick their head between their knees, was so that in the event of a SERIOUS crash (aren't they all) the rapid deceleration would snap everyone's neck and avoid pain and suffering.
Ok - Someone is trying to pull a joke on you guys!!! A bad one! I occasionally get emails like this forwarded to me by some concerned relative or friend who thinks they're helping me out by giving me some good advice. In this particular case, why should I be disobeying the flight attendants??
Before I pass ANYTHING on and incur the wrath of a certain brother in law... I check it out on www.snopes.com. Snopes is a great tool to find out if some of these forwarded messages are true or not. And sometimes fun to just browse thru and read how gullible some people can be!
For instance, you can find out if kids are actually dying from doing a certain dance move to a popular music video. Or if a man truly lived in a Paris airport for 18 years - which is actually true and a couple movies were made loosely based on it. Or all the political stuff you receive... And have I gotten TONS of that in the past and present! Some I want to believe... but others are just too far fetched. But in any case, I'll check it out to see what the origins of the rumor are.
So... word for the day... Be careful sticking your fingers into the change back pocket of pop machines as you might get poked by an infected needle... Be careful getting into your car because someone might be hiding underneath to grab your ankles... And don't sniff anyone's perfume samples in store parking lots because it may contain ether!
If you can get through the day by being extra cautious and second guessing everyone, then you'll survive... and the rumor-mongers win...
Snopes is a blackhole of time consumption for me!! Hahaha!
I snopes EVERYTHING. Is snopes a verb?
Some people are so gullible.
Which reminds me...did you know that gullible is the only English word not in the dictionary? ;)
I snopes everything, too! LOL!
(I think it is a verb now.)
Snopes before forwarding - ALWAYS.
Words to live by.
[ahem to my stepmonster]
I always check things out. I just google it though, I'm so old school!
Yep. We learned about Snopes a while ago when well meaning homeschool moms would send emails through our loop that weren't true. Now everyone runs it through Snopes first.
I assume everything forwarded is false until proven otherwise.
i have this one friend who forwards EVERYTHING!!!!!! I can't stand it...I almost want to tell her to stop, but don't want to be mean. It is sad because I don't even open her e-mail anymore...I could miss a real e-mail...if she ever sent any!
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