Things my son has said in PUBLIC and what he meant...
1) said at the hardware store - "Dad! What if our poopy gets stuck?"
meant - he had just learned what a plunger was for and saw one at the store.
2) said to our pastor right after church. "Dad is playing where he kills people."
meant - Dad was having a weekend with his high school buddies playing computer games where they kill bad guys. Medal of Honor, or a game similar.
3) said to the whole world on Facebook. "My dad's credit card was declined so I couldn't buy this cool item."
meant - The card company had reissued new cards and Dad has mistakenly used the old ones that had been inactivated.
4) said to a neighbor, "We're having another baby and I get a new brother!" resulted in me being congratulated while mowing the yard...
meant - Mom and Dad said that someday you'll get a new baby brother or sister.
5) said to a little friend who was leaving with her mom. "Good bye! Good bye! I have a p*nis!"
meant - "Good bye! Good bye! I have a p*nis!" What he said was true.. he does... But this little girl informed him what things were called while she was here and he was just bragging about his newfound knowledge...
Got any good ones to share?
Out of the mouths of babes! Very cute!
I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I know I have some good ones!
I have one that talks about her "front butt" ha ha
That is so cute...but could be trouble at the same time!
Leave it to little ones to make things awkward!
So funny! I know he will be thrilled that you shared. LOL!
Lol! I have a video of my daughter at age two yelling that she wants to show everyone her pretty hiney.
Once I told my aunt and uncle to stay the night at our house cuz our beds didn't squeak...
I live in a house full of men. There is always something that shouldn't have been said, said all the time!
Oh my he could've been on that Cosby show - kids say the darndest things!
Thanks for visiting - it was great to hear from you!
Those are funny!
those are ALL good ones! thanks for the laugh!
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