Meri and I had a little bon fire in the firepit last night, but mostly burned newspapers under the wood. *pretty* We had a good time just chit chatting about things. She's growing up...
These are some flowers Maddy planted several years ago. I happened to catch them blooming one day in April 2007. Usually they bloom and die before anyone sees them. I know we didn't catch them this year!

Bon fire sounds so wonderful and the flowers are beautiful. Have a great Monday!!!!
They look like tulips; if so, they should last a few days, so I'm surprised you missed them. But whatever they are, they are beautiful! I love the color.
Beautiful flowers! Sounds like you made nice memories with Meri during your bon fire :) I wish we could stop them from growing up so fast, but then again, it's so nice to watch them grow.
Good times....Amanda wants us to get a firepit, but not sure we have a place for one.
Thought of you yesterday when I opened the Lifestyle section of our paper. Main headline was: "Make Pillow Cases With Only 3 Seams". Here's a link and I saved the paper if you want me to send it!
A relaxing bonfire is always fun. Those flowers are so pretty!
I'm glad that you had bonding time! Those are the best. Have a great week!
Those are really beautiful!!!
Pretty. Hold onto those moments :)
McVal, thank you for stopping by my blog I love finding other people from Iowa in blogland!! You are "sew" crafty!! I wish I had more time to do what I love, scrapbooking!! Someday maybe, after I quit my day job that is! Have a great day and yes, enjoy this beautiful weather!
Those flowers always bloom and die really fast!
What pretty of my fav. colors too!
Dan wants a fire pit. I told him he had to get his patio built first so he had someplace to put
Noah and I bonded this weekend too....of course our bonding occured over his latest obsession...a Rubik's Cube. ;-)
Wow pretty tulips! Nice that you take the time with your does pay off. Enjoy your pit fires! xo
Flowers are wonderful!
Anytime you can get chat time with your kids is golden. I had some today with my oldest!
purple is my favorite color!
I so want a fire pit! What a great way to spend time with your child.
Isn't it awesome when kids reach that age where they are happy to just sit and chat with you. VC and I have been taking walks together. And discussing all sorts of nonsense...
thank you for your kind words about my blankie attempt :D
ahhh...those blooms seem to be smiling back at me!
Tulips, right? My favorite. I carried purple ones as my wedding bouquet (April wedding).
I love tulips!! we also have some near the girls¨' window and it's just amazing to look at them every morning!!
I've always wanted to be able to have a bonfire in the backyard. We just moved into a house and we FINALLY have a yard of our own after several years of condo living. Yay!!
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