I have sewn a lot in the past. In college, I would do homework on campus. On the way home I'd stop at a fabric store and buy some new fabric, then that night sew up a new shirt. Mostly pull over things that could be done in one night. I was skinny and liked to tuck in my shirts, so no need for a hem! Quick and easy, that's what I liked... And I needed to bulk up my wardrobe because two of my sisters had gotten married a month apart and moved out, taking all of their clothes with them! EEK! I had almost nothing left, I was so dependent on borrowing their things...
I remember sewing a little when Ryan was very young. He'd be climbing on my back as I tried to sew a Halloween costume for him or a baptism dress for his younger sister below. So when the kids were really young, I didn't have a lot of time, energy or patience to sew.
When the baptism photo of Maddy was done, below, another little girl waiting with her mom asked if she was a princess. Why yes, she IS! Thanks for asking!

Meri was a flower girl when my niece Naomi was married a few years ago. I made a few sample dresses of the pattern that Naomi had picked out, below is one of them. Meri loved those dresses and she was well suited for the summer for lined frocks!

Final product. She made a GREAT flower girl! And at that time, Meri was taking voice lessons, so at the reception, she sang Tomorrow from the movie Annie for Naomi and her husband. Annie was Naomi's favorite movie as a child.

As the girls got older, I let them help pick out the fabric of things that I could make for them. Give them input and maybe they'll wear it!... The same way with cooking new foods. Let them help and maybe they'll eat it!

At Easter time I made both of these dresses for the girls. Meri's was re-purposed partially from another dress. I decided afterwards that the ruffle at the bottom was over the top. Sometimes you hit a dud...

This is not my daughter. But at one of Meri's birthday parties, one of her friends dug into Meri's closet and played dress up... I made this jacket for Maddy once upon a time and Meri inherited it.

For summer things, I made this top for Meri without a pattern. I kind of used a pattern but just for around the top of the bodice, from the flower girl dresses I'd made that summer. This one turned out so cute! I made a matching skort over some shorts that she already had to match it. Not pictured here...

Maddy had a Sock Hop to attend in middle school and needed a poodle skirt. So I made it. The poodle was an applique that I found at JoAnns. Turned out pretty cute and was only used for dress up after that. My girls liked to play dress up. I kept a barrel in their closet with old costumes in it. When cousins came over, the girls room looked like the barrel had barfed all over the room when they left...

I've made a BUNCH of Scandinavian costumes over the years, as the elementary school kids do Norwegian dances at them every year. This will be Meri's final year. Unless it was LAST year... I guess I'll find out!

I blogged about this picture before.
Click here! I made the kilts and sash for Maddy & Ryan. Bought the dress on Ebay.

I've blogged about this too, I think.... Couldn't find it. Anyway, this was our Christmas picture of my kids a few years ago. Our favorite Christmas movie is A Christmas Story where a crazy aunt sends the little boy a bunny costume and his mom makes him wear it. So Robb wanted me to make this for my kids. Ryan almost backed out when he found out what was up, but threats do wonders... He moved out that next summer.

I made my wedding gown and a few of the bridesmaid dresses. You know it's homemade when the bride is up until midnight the night before gluing on pearls and lace...

So anyway... There are tons more things that I've made throughout the years, but I can't find them this morning and most of them probably are not digital.
Hope you're having a great day!
Very nice projects!
I bought a new sewing machine a little more than a year ago and all I've made is a top for me and matching aprons for Kat and myself. That's it. I really need to find a place where I can leave everything out while I'm working on it...that's the biggest reason I don't sew more.
You are SO talented! I'm afraid to ever really try to follow a pattern...I have trouble reading them. Or maybe that's just cuz I THINK I have trouble reading em. :)
I LIKE the ruffle on Meri's dress.
"....was our Christmas picture of my kids a few years ago. Our favorite Christmas movie is A Christmas Story where a crazy aunt sends the little boy a bunny costume and his mom makes him wear it. So Robb wanted me to make this for my kids. Ryan almost backed out when he found out what was up, but threats do wonders... He moved out that next summer."
You have hit upon the ultimate way to get your kids to leave home!!!LOLOLOL
I may have to resort to threatening Noah with the Christmas Story bunny suit when he hits 18 to get him out...hehehe
And just so you know, I was also up until the wee hours of the morning sewing on my wedding dress! I made both maid/matron on honors gowns AND hats for all 3 of us. Yes, I have millinery skills too...lolol
We are both so hardcore, aren't we?
Wow!!! You have made some great things over the years! I can't believe you made your wedding dress!! It's beautiful!!! Way too go!
Impressive! I still have an unfinished project from my 8th grade home ec class. Sigh...
Oh WOW! You are so very talented!!! :)
I used to sew a lot in the past. My mom used to make all our clothes and started teaching me young. I think I made my first dress when I was in sixth grade. It was lavendar and so GROOVY!
I made all my clothes in high school and college and in college even sewed for friends. Then I started working and never seemed to have much time to sew. I mostly only sew baby stuff lately.
Such a pretty flower girl dress! And I really liked the blue top, too.
You're so talented! I never sew for myself.
My daughter and I just pulled out all the clothes that I made for her when she was little. It's so special that she wants them for her daughter to wear.
Your girls will always remember that their mom thought enough of them to make their clothes.
You are so talented! I had my mom's sewing machine for several years and she finally took it back because she said I didn't need it if I wouldn't use it! I can barely sew on buttons!
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