It only does if the phone hasn't sat in a washer full of wet clothes..all..night.
So by the time I had discovered it clunking around in the dryer on Wednesday morning, corrosion had already set in. No going back from that I guess... shoot.
If I had caught it right away, I believe the rice would have worked. BTW: You need to pull the battery out and let both phone and battery sit in the rice.
So I took the phone into US Cellular last night to see if they could save it. NOPE... The tech there pulled it apart and I could see green stuff already forming on all the copper wiring.
Luckily with 4 phones on my plan and me never upgrading to a new style phone, I was eligible for a cheap phone for a penny, so I went for it! We do have insurance on our phones, but it would cost $50 to get into that and I didn't want to spend the money. Call me cheap, thrifty, whatever... Meri is 10! She really only needs it to text her parents if she thinks they've forgotten her or call from a friends house to pick her up.
I hadn't told her about her phone until after I came out of the US Cellular store. I just handed her the new one and grinned at her look of surprise. She wasn't happy at first after I explained what happened, because she had lost all her old contacts and texts that meant something to her. Plus her old phone was pink.
But when she found that this one had a camera in it, she got pretty pumped...
There's a silver lining in everything, right?
My pone has ended up in the washer and in the toilet!!! Insurance has been a life saver to me!!! I don't know what I would do without my Blackberry! Replace it with an iphone I guess! hahaha
Thankfully never happened to me...errr not yet?!
Yep. Camera phones rock.
Glad you got the penny deal!
my son is 14 and still doesn't have a phone - it's doable :D
Luckily you were able to pump that camera feature!
My hubby accidentally dropped his phone into the sink, which had a pot soaking in it (all kinds of grossness). We had insurance, but it dryed out for him. Never knew rice could do it faster...good to know.
You must of felt me stalking you...I read your past couple posts at lunch, but didn't get a chance to comment. Then I saw your had visited my blog, it's like tag, I had to get you back.
Call me old...but how did we manage to grow up without the use of these devices? And do our kids really need them?
But I guess back then we had pay phones and now those are extinct.
Glad you were able to get a good deal on a new one.
I dropped my phone in the toilet twice and used the rice bag each time and it was effective. The second time though the front screen stopped working. It was really time for a new phone anyway though. But it does work!
Good to know. I washed DJ's thumb drive and it was alright. I dried it in front of a fan and it was fine. He checked it on my computer without telling me. UGH, I would have liked to have waited a few days but for once it worked out!
I had never heard that! Sorry it didnt work... but glad there *was* a silver lining. :)
Everyone loves a new phone, and a penny makes it better!
Hi McVal,
This is Kelli from MyStampinPad! Thanks for coming over to visit my new site. I really appreciate it! Let me know how your graduation cards go this weekend! Good luck with the phone changes. I lost all of my contacts on New Year's Eve when my Blackerry just died! It stinks! Take care!
I enjoyed your blog.
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God Bless, bob West
interesting I have never heard of doing that but will remember to try that if need be. =) Hope you have an awesome weekend!
I look at any reason for a new phone as a blessing :)
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