I found Meri's lost cell phone in the dryer making a lot of racket this morning... Oops! It's resting in a baggie full of rice this morning. I hope it will still work and take a charge. Coincidentally, did you know that rice will pull moisture out of electronics? Cool, huh?! Boy oh boy I hope it works...

Meri sat me down this morning to go over her testing scores at school where they compare your grades to other kids in the school and nationally. For the most part, she's doing well. She's a perfectionist, so the timed tests really bring her down. AND she reads with expression, so reading aloud gets slowed down too. Amelia Bedelia just needs that certain voice, doesn't she??! Can't wait until next year when there aren't anymore timed tests!
Maddy is becoming quite the social butterfly... (Yes Mad, I know you read this!) This past Friday night, she had two boys and a few girls over to watch The Princess Bride in our living room, jump on the trampoline and consume a bunch of food and pop. This next Friday night, a different group of mixed kids will meet at another girls house for the same type of get together. I didn't even get to TALK to a boy who wasn't a cousin until I was 16... (I kid... but really, I couldn't talk to any male outside my family without breaking out in a rash until I was a Sophomore in college...)(Don't know what kind of an allergic reaction THAT was... but it did come in handy.)
Looking forward to the weekend! The garage may get a car in it after all this time!... It's a 3 car garage.
Well - I guess that's enough Random stuff for the day. Time to focus and get some things done! Have a great day!
Are you going to post before and after pictures of the garage?
LOL about the rash!
I knew some annoyingly persistent guys in high school...a rash sure would have come in handy dealing with them.
My son lost his trac phone in a snow bank a couple of years ago. He found it in the spring and he was so surprised when it still worked.
Oh my!!! Phone in the dryer!!
I love the Princess Bride... canI come on over next time you watch it? A bit of a trek I know but its a great film lol
If she reads this, you're SO going to get a long, drawn out, "Mooooooooom!" Princess Bride takes me back to my childhood!
Phone in the dryer...that could be a title of a really good book.
I wash my Ipod all the time.
That stinks about the cell phone. Hope the rice works. I would like to give that rash to some guys who want to talk to my daughter. lol
I read somewhere else where they did they same thing with their cell phone and for the same reason. I don't know if they ever posted that it worked, but you're not alone out there.
LOVE Amelia B!! :)
I wish I'd have known about the rice thingy when my hubs washed is iPod.
I wish I'd known about that rice trick before. I've ruined countless phones. Ah ha ha
I hope the cell phone works again! I will have to remember the baggy of rice trick :)
Well we put rice in the salt shaker for the same reason--to absorb moisture so the salt doesn't cake up.
I never thought of using it on a soggy cell phone tho...thanks!
Do you think if I soak in a tub of dry rice it might absorb the water in my body and I'll be skinny when I get out?lolol
I didn't know that about rice--awesome!
I didn't know about the rice trick. LOL! at Slugmama's idea! If it works for her, I am going to be buying a LOT of rice!
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