But it got me thinking... I've been MEANING to work in that garage and I was going to do a bulk of it that day anyhow... So, I hurried back home and got to work and was RUTHLESS! I took 2 more loads down, getting rid of a broken tv, 2 computer monitors that were older than my kids, some old closet pantry type shelves that have been sitting in the garage since we moved there 12 years ago, broken down boxes that I don't remember why we kept and tons more. And NO to SonyaAnn, I will NOT show a before and after pic. Someday, maybe an after... The garage is looking pretty good now and may soon hold at least one car. Right now I want to bask in the open space....
Maddy has been invited to about a dozen Senior graduation parties so far and I told her I'd make her some cards. So Saturday afternoon I went to work. I got 8 done then and a couple more done Sunday. What do you think? Can you guess what the school colors are?

This is the first year I had gone. I knew some of the kids as friends of Ryan and Maddys. Last year, Ryan had gone with a friend who is a girl, but saw a boy who he knew about to walk in all by himself. He thought that would be too sad for this kid. So he ditched Amy briefly and ran down to walk in with the boy so he wouldn't be all alone. Apparently this made him a hero. I missed it last year, but this year, some of the parents still talked to me about it.
One of my close friends son came in with his little sister as his date, but due to her curfew, she wasn't allowed to go to the dance. She was such a ham and looked so adorable!

Oh and it's rainy and icky and the dogs were digging in the yard today. ARGGGHHH!!! . And barking... So they're kenneled up for the day in the house and muddy. If I can keep my sanity until tonight, I'll be doing good...
Wish me luck!
Such sweet things going on at the prom! Your son IS a hero, and I would have loved to have been my big brother's date when I was a little girl. :)
Our proms were never like that. We ate (at the school), we danced (at the school) and we left as soon as we could to go to some party (usually in a farm field.) I told my mom I would be staying out all night that night and I was home by curfew because there wasn't anything to do...LOL!
How industrious you were in your garage!
I so don't miss prom season. LOL!
What a neat idea! I've never heard of a Grand March.
The cards are beautiful. I haven't gotten any announcements so far this year, but they're coming.
We sooo did not have a Grand March for our prom. I think it would have been hysterical to hear everyone's favorite dance song though. I mean, really.
"This is 'Tina' and her escort 'Chris.' Their favorite song is 'I want to F#*K You Like an Animal.'"
(Oh, and NO that was NOT my favorite song!) :)
What a great story about your son though, that's awesome!
Have an Extraordinary Day!
those are cute cards! I love em!
Those cards look great! The little girl at prom is absolutely adorable. There's a guy who truly loves his lil sis!
That's so cute about the prom. At my daughter's school they just meet in front of the school for pictures.
oh that was so sweet. It was prom here last weekend too. Great job getting rid of all the trash. =)
Taking piles of junk to the dump is SUCH a good feeling!
I now officially feel like I got nothing done this weekend.
Wait! I cleaned my underwear drawer out. That counts, right?
We had something similar here in that Toyota along with some other business did a hazordous dump day in honor of Earth day. We took some old stuff to it. Son had to wait two hours in line to get rid of our stuff but it was well worth it. Oh and it cost me lunch, he said it was the least I could do for him sitting those two hours in traffic while driving a clutch...
Those cards are really cute and that he took his little sister is adorable!
His little sister??? AWWWWW. That kid is gonna make a sweet hubs someday!
I think I've already said that your son is a sweetie and that prom thing proves it! ;-)
The prom entrance thing sounds like what they do here at the elementary school for Halloween.lol
Daughter went to prom this year....she wouldn't enough let me take a pic of her in her dress before she left. She is sooo secretive and always has been. She is destined to work for the govt. in the CIA or something.lol I so wish she would share more.....maybe next yr. when she is a senior.
It sounds like you did wonderful with decluttering the garage! Bravo....
"And NO to SonyaAnn, I will NOT show a before and after pic."-HEY, that's the fun part!!!
Grand March is smart...parents get to see it and then kids get to have fun. We didn't have that, we just did what we wanted for about 6 hours. Maybe when my kids get to be teenagers, I'll get on the PTO and get them to have a Grand March.
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