She has been playing various hymns off and on for different services, and feels comfortable accompanying with the piano rather than the organ.
The first time we came to this service, it felt so weird not running over to a friend afterward and saying "Hi! I forgot what we were supposed to bring for the Easter breakfast!" But we've gotten used to it.
At the end of the service, our pastor uses an enormous Bible and slams it shut after he says, "It is finished." We typically jump a few inches above the pews when he does this, even tho we're expecting it. Meri sometimes brings her best friend and they LIVE for this part!
Robb, Meri & I are in the choir and are singing "Stricken, Smitten and Afflicted". Robb sings bass, Meri is one of the sopranos and me in the alto section. EVERY time we've practiced this, the organist starts to cry. She says because it's so beautiful... and it really is... but Robb reassures her we'll do better next time.
Then after we all quietly walk to our cars, we'll head to the Dairy Queen. We started this several years ago when DQ was having a special on chili dogs on Good Friday. "Know what makes a Good Friday a GREAT Friday?" Chili dogs!!! So we'll get a bunch and head on home.
Have a good Good Friday! and since I rarely blog on the weekends, have a Happy Glorious Easter too! Got Meri's Easter dress done and have to finish Maddy's tomorrow! Wish me luck!
You have me laughing with Robb telling the pianist that you'll do better next time!
I'm off to google that song now.
That sounds like a really enjoyable (even if it is somber) service. I'm sure she'll do beautifully.
Happy Easter!
That would be my favorite part too!
The zoo was awesome! Thanks for coming by today!
Happy Easter... We went to Good Friday services too. I like walking out quietly...
Good luck with finishing the dress! I still have A LOT to get done before Sunday. Guess I should quit looking at everyones blogs.....
I love that you end your night at DQ!
Have a great Easter!
Ha! that's funny about the quitting piano deal. My 7 year old HATES singing in the children's choir so I told him that if he learns to accompany the choir, he doesn't have to sing. :)
After the initial easter basket fun ended on Sunday morning, I heard my 4 year old asking my 7 year old why the Easter bunny didn't bring them as much candy as last year and why her beautiful dress wasn't in her basket. And I thought my kids weren't paying attention to tradition!
Thanks for stopping by Sew Many Books.
Love the creations! Amazing. Soon I will begin re-posting about my exploits in the UK, but for now I will spend my time reading up about sewing!
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