Last night, Meri was going to take a walk with me, but she asked if she could play with the neighbor girl for 30 minutes instead. o.k... I hadn't been outside hardly at all except for a bit of chauffeuring after work, so I grabbed the latest Threads magazine and sat on the porch.
My favorite spot to sit is on the bench next to the front door. It's kind of behind the lilacs and sheltered from the wind. As I enjoyed the fresh air and paged backwards through my mag, it was very relaxing...
I read an article about how to sew pants that fit and I thought of the pair of pants that I had left incomplete... No telling if I'll ever finish them. They're not turning out quite right... So I turned the page.
A different article about choosing fabrics to suit your wardrobe. Suddenly inspiration hit me. I had to sew another skirt! This time, it would be the straighter one, not the flared. And it had to be in spring-y colors. I raced upstairs and started pulling out my tubs of fabric stash out from under my bed. With dear son back home and no sewing room anymore, I have to stash it where I can...
I found this black and white tiny checked/plaid silky fabric that I had gotten for free from the ASG meetings. If I play my cards right, there should be enough fabric for a skirt... all right... a flared skirt.again. But I know how to do it! The fabric was badly wrinkled, so I plugged in the iron and dug in. While ironing, Meri came home and brought me her spelling words. So I gave her words, she wrote them out and spelled them out loud for me. The ironing got done and then.... and then...

That has happened to me! Get all fired up to do something, then BAM not in the mood anymore.
I love your porch!
Spelling words will zap the life out of anything! I'm speaking from experience!
I hope that it returns this weekend.
Have a great weekend!
This happens to me all the time. I start out inspired and then the feeling goes away. :)
Oh I so know the feeling too. I get excited to do something, then when I get into it, the feeling leaves. Sometimes, it's just because I'm lazy....
You have a nice blog.
Hilarious! I thought I was the only one that burned out before I got started :D
Val, that happens to me all the time, too. Sometimes I dream of all the things I have to do and all the things I want to do. Then I wake up and realise there's not enough time to do everything. Go back to the porch and read another mag and maybe more inspiration will come your way.
By the way, take the smell of the lilacs in really deeply for me and send some my way. Lilacs and Hyacinths always remind me of spring in Minnesota :)
You sound just like me! My inspiration comes in fits and then leaves forever!
hi!I hope you got your inspiration back!
have a lovely Sunday.
why does inspiration always have to be so elusive???
I hear ya my dear.....this is why I have boxes of unfinished sewing projects. I lose the mood and put it away until I get the fever again, and often times the fever never
Well at least it's ironed. That's a start:)
Just popping by to play catch-up and thank you for your thoughts and prayers this week. They were so appreciated.
Enjoy your week!
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