I finally got my inspiration back for sewing this weekend... And yes.... you get to see my sewing hall.
Meri and I have our ASG sewing meeting coming up in a couple weeks and we've been challenged. We're supposed to sew items from the fabric we have picked up on the free table. I made
that skirt a few weeks ago and was going to make
another one on Thursday but lost the edge... So on Saturday, Meri said, Let's sew! Okey dokey then! I put my skirt on hold and she and I talked about what she wanted to make out of the billions of yards that she's saved from the free table.
She wanted a halter dress with a high waist that will be elasticized. But she also wanted elastic next to her arms and across her back. She hates it when halter tops droop open. Ok. We drew out a picture of what she wanted and then dug through all my patterns. The only thing we found that half way resembled what she wanted was the high waisted skirt for a knit dress.

The fabric we're using is a cottony shiny stuff. But with enough elastic she can pull it over her head.
Since we didn't have a pattern for a halter top, I drafted one on the back of some Christmas wrapping paper that had a grid on it. Very handy stuff! I made a paper bodice and held it up to her and I think it will work. Plus, she looked so FESTIVE!

Then helped her trace it out allowing for seam allowances onto some muslin. Meri hadn't ever worked with muslin before, much less seam allowances... So this was new.She made a sample dress all basted with the muslin, but left out the elastic and tried it on. So far so good... We had the speed on the sewing machine set for
stun slow.

She did a fantastic job taking the 5/8 seams at super slow speed. And only got anxious and growly a few times. Here she is in all her muslin glory! minus the elastic...

The fabric draped over her arm is what she's making the final draft out of. Then I helped her pull all the basting out and get ready to cut. She got it cut out and we started sewing. It's only a 4 piece pattern. Front of bodice (cut 2), back bodice (cut 2), front skirt and back skirt (cut one of each of out the fabric and one of lining). The lining of the bodice will be the same fabric. Basically turned inside out. By the way... I hate pinning patterns anymore.. Ever since we got hooked on Project Runway, we use pattern weights and rotary cutters for everything. Meri is getting to be a master at the curves even with the cutter. SOOO I mean SEW much quicker than pinning!

Over Saturday and part of Sunday afternoon, she worked like a champ and we got a lot done. Then the rain let up and I told her to go fly a kite! Literally! She had been waiting to go to the park with Maddy, so Robb took them up there. I spent the time cutting out the skirt that I had planned on Thursday. Got it cut out and started sewing it.
Meri was planning on coming back to sew again after supper last night, but Robb and I got into a heated discussion with someone who is 18 and I lost the sewing drive again...
It's funny how a conversation like that can zap your enthusiasm...
I have a sewing nook too--in a corner of my bedroom. Of course my cutting table is downstairs in the dining room aka the dining room table.lol
Meri looks like she is really getting into sewing and you've got yourself a great sewing buddy! Sure wish I had one too.... ;-)
The dress is going to be great and I know she'll be so proud that she made it herself. Is Meri going to enter a garment in your state fair this year?
"A heated discussion with someone who is 18"....hmmm, whoever could that be?LOLOL We had our own 'HD' with someone who is 17.33 on Sunday and I am sure it was just as unpleasant as yours. Just makes you want to curl up into a ball and sleep or down 10 margaritas, don't it? ;-)
Hope your Monday is MUCH less confrontational!!
I really really wish I knew how to sew. I think it's great that you're teaching your little girl!
We will get to see the finished product right? Please?
I can't wait till Maddy gets older and my mom and I can teach her to sew.
I hope things are ok - I can't imagine have heated conversations with an 18 year old - especially if my daughter grows up to be like me. Oye! I gave my parents a run for their money, and as an adult, I kind of feel bad about it.
Sorry yoy had to have a heated discussion. Been there, done that, thank God they all moved out!
Meri will be so proud of that dress! I remember how excited I was when I made my first dress not from a storebought pattern.
Your blog makes me miss sewing...a lot!
I've just now gotten the nerve to try a rotary cutter. I didn't know about pattern weights. I'll have to look them up. I hate pinning worse than ripping out...almost.
I understand how those heated discussions will zap all your creative energy. Hope today is much better.
What a good mom you are!
My first sewing class is tonight! Sooo excited!
She's 10 and she can SEW circles around me I'm sure!
Thats really cute. Great job!
I have an award for you on my blog!
I used to be able to sew....when I was 8 I think. And I haven't done it since. I keep telling myself that I will buy a sewing machine and learn to do it, but it never happens. Instead, my mom does my sewing for me. Works out perfectly!
Envy envy envy you....I wish I could sew! Not happening over my way-maybe I'll pay you and your sweet helper:)
Spelling words and arguments can do that to creativity!
"Robb and I got into a heated discussion with someone who is 18"-We do that a lot here too! UGH, why do we have to keep them til 18?
i love that you guys sew together! What fun times together!
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