It's been an odd week. My best friends husband suddenly got so sick that he (yes HE) suggested that he go to the doctor yesterday. His brother drove him to the emergency room and he had to stay over night in the hospital because he was so dehydrated. It is unknown at this time what caused the illness. The doctors think food poisoning of some kind and should be able to localize the bacteria today. We hope and pray he gets to come home today!
I spent the evening with my friend and stayed over last night so she wouldn't have to be alone. She's in a wheelchair with MS and a few other things.
I used to work in a couple different nursing homes. For a few years in the kitchen of one, then briefly as a nurses aide, but quit as soon as I got certified... It was extremely hard work and my young college body decided it would rather sell shoes.
In front of the nursing home where I worked in the kitchen. What a fun first real job that was!
Do you ever wonder though why God puts you in a job that you didn't really care for? I think it was to prepare me for the future, for a time such as this. God is smart!
I guess I had learned a lot from that job except how to make coffee. I don't drink coffee and guessed on how much to put in la machine... Hopefully, even after I made the stuff way too strong this morning... She'll let me come back out at lunch and we're still good friends.
I'll stick with cappuccino!
That food poisoning can be bad sometimes...geez! I tend to get it when I travel & it ain't no fun.
Hope he recovers from it quickly!
I don't drink coffee either and rarely does anyone ask me to make it...mine must be bad
Great post and pics! Your girls really do look like their mom :) My first job was bus-girl at a local diner. I hated it soooo much.... but lunch was free and I always had my favorites: roast beef, mashed potatoes & gravy & their specialty - peppermint ice cream. Ahhh, the good ol' days.
Hope your friend's hubby comes back home today! -Tammy
I hope your friend's husband will be okay! That can be pretty scary!
So true what you said about working in not-so-great jobs and looking for the purpose in the lessons there. I look back on many of my past jobs and see how much they help to shape me!
Hope your friend's hubby is back soon.
I love those pics!
You are so cute!
I hope that he gets better soon. I had food poisoning with dehydration. It was on my 14th birthday. What a way to celebrate! He will be better soon, I promise.
Have a great weekend and a wonderful Mother's day!
Love these pictures!!
I was just asking myself the other day why God put me in jobs that I didn't like...or where I had to deal with difficult coworkers. I wonder and am frightened that it's to prepare me for something coming up.
I agree. Such hard work. I did it pregnant & with morning sickness.
Hope your friends hubby is feeling better soon.
I think God gives us those jobs so that we will appreciate the jobs that we go to college and learn how to do. I think back to my first real job, working in a deli. I would NEVER want to do this job ever again! Teaching is SO much better!
Thanks for coming by to visit today! Happy Mother's Day.
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