I got a skirt done that I wore to church on Sunday, then found out that I'd blown off a church ladies meeting on Saturday morning... I was WONDERING why I hadn't planned on going to my daughter's band thing...
I DID get breakfast in bed on Mother's Day and think my family is trying to fatten me up for something... The meal was huge. 15 courses... Son just lay at the foot of the bed being tired and the girls just helped me out a little with it all. I think I ate most of it myself! Is that bad?

Watched some classic Father Ted this weekend and can't stop giggling over one bit.
Episode name, Night of the Nearly Dead. Situation: A young man who has his own tv show and is adored by elderly women everywhere is leaving a building and is suddenly mobbed by 100s of them. He backs towards the door saying, "Stay away! I don't want to catch the menopause!" LOL! I didn't know it was catching!
What is the average age to "catch" menopause? And what are the symptoms? Racing hearts at bedtime? Hmm.. That would be a great title for a movie, huh? But it's probably not what you'd think.
I went and shared my career with my 4th graders class this morning. I don't think any of them want to do what I do. There were too many glassed over blank stares. One child asked how much I make! After being flabbergasted for just a moment, a teacher clarified... Salaried or hourly? Whew! I didn't want the kids laughing at me...
I hope you all had a marvelous Mother's Day and didn't have to lift a finger on your special day!
That breakfast looks SO good.
Yeah, the salt intake on that was probably through the roof! LOL
I love that they added a little teeny thing of fruit.
Now. I must go. I don't wanna catch the menopause from this post.
Iwas having a racing heart so I went to a cardiologist. Ran some test..none hurt.
You should go and get it checked out.
Ok, I count 10 courses(including whatever that is under the toast as I can't tell).
Don't even THINK about the carb and calorie intake on that plate!lolol
Mother's Day=no calories for moms ;-)
I came downstairs this morning(10am)to a kitchen FILLED with dirty dishes! I forgot one of the "fringe benefits" of having #1 son home again....all the late night eating and not-cleaning-up after himself. grrrrr
I think the heart racing is stress because I've caught it too in the last few days.lol
I started menopause 2 yrs. ago. Not so bad so far....
That breakfast is making my mouth water and my arteries harden at the exact same time.
Also, I see that you have 3 hedgehogs... and I'm jealous.
One day i hope to have kids who serve me warm breakfast in bed! You are so blessed!! errr hope they taste as good as it looks on my pc screen!
That breakfast looks awesome. At least my kids bought me blow pops and hot tamales. :)
Your "catching" menopause cracked me up! And sorry for the blank stares.
WOW that breakfast looks like they went to the all you can eat buffet and got one of each! Love the catching medopause thing, you might want to stay away from me ;o)
I love the Middle!
Don't you love kids LOL. I recently borrowed my grandfathers plaque from working on the Apollo 11 mission to share with my son's 4 grade class. I also got the "how much did he make" question... I was not expecting that! LOL
Love the breakfast. I would have been lying in a mess of toast and bacon but your bed looks very civilised.
Catching the menopause ... horror. Spots like a teenager, moods like a teenager, hair like a teenager. There is some upside to being out the other side after all.
Mad x
I'm glad that you had a wonderful Mother's day!
My kids watched tv and I did yard work. I'm not real happy with them!
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