My dad and I and a few others loaded up a ton of folding chairs from a friends church and helped unload them at a beautiful rose garden park. It had rained early that morning and the grass was still wet. I was worried... Today was my wedding day.
It had rained the previous weekend solid and the following weekend solid, but cleared up for the weekend that I had prayed about. It was sunny and beautiful and dry by noon. We had no backup plan for a rain date. Then went to get my hair done at a local hairdresser and screwed up. They did my hair in a beautiful french twist and practically glued it on with hairspray. But only then did they notice that I was wearing a snug fit t-shirt. We cut the shirt off at the park when we were dressing for the ceremony for fear of wrecking my hair.
Our wedding photos were all taken before the wedding so the guests wouldn't have to wait at the reception. Seems to me around 5pm. The wedding wouldn't happen until 6. Someone bought a bunch of pop in the big gulp size at a 7-11 for all the groomsmen and friends.
Robb's dad was a Methodist minister and married us as he had and would all of Robb's siblings. We were both pretty emotional during the ceremony. Later found out that Robb's brothers had given him a snuggy mere seconds before pushing him out in front of everyone. So he went thru the ceremony in extreme discomfort.
His sister was one of my bridesmaids and had a watch down in her bra. So at the exact moment we became husband and wife, she looked down and recorded it. 6:20pm. My sister Tammy sang Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring and my aunt played keyboard. It was beautiful.
Afterwards we had a horse drawn carriage take us to our college's commons building for the reception. We got a TON of birdseed pitched at us as we tried to get my dress onto the carriage. Robb likes to say that he saw it come from the grassy knoll where my sister Ruth Ann was standing... She denies it.
Lots of fun stories at the reception by the emcee and parents and siblings. My dad told the story of our first date and his surprise finding that Robb was wanted by the police.
In the end, we were married. And it really didn't sink in until the next morning when Robb and I were sitting in a Country Kitchen eating breakfast. We didn't have to call anyone and let them know where we were at. I didn't have a curfew anymore.
What a beautiful story! Happy anniversary!!!
Happy Anniversary! My hubby wore a white tux with tails, too.
Happy Anniversary!
Awww....what a nice story.
Happy 22nd Anniversary and here's to 22 more!
And yes, you do need to always beware the grassy
Happy Anniversary!! And thanks for the bridesmaids' dresses NOT being ugly or ill-fitting...I thought it was a lovely day. (I remember sitting at the head table and I think it was Joel H. who pointed out Doug's "lack of hair" in seeing him from above/behind.)
Was it really 22 years ago? That means we're coming up on 23 in December! Holy cow....time flies....
Happy Anniversary!! What a great story too... having to cut off the t-shirt after the 'do' sounds like me! Beautiful picture. -Tammy
Wow! Happy anniversary. Lol at Robb being wanted by the police.
I am looking for my email quote. I will sit Thrusday aside for you. :)
Happy 22nd! Funny that you mentioned Country Kitchen...I just mentioned it in a story to a co-worker yesterday. I hadn't thought of that restaurant in years and now twice in two days.
Congrads on 22 years! Here's to 22 more! Funny how we remember the little things of our special day.
Happy Anniversary... My husband and I made 27 years today. We had a nice day a little rain, but not when we were outside.. It was a nice day.
Stop on over for my Anniversary Drawing.
Come Enter my Anniversary contest
How sweet! I hope you had a wonderful day!
And you're still 2 people against the world, right? That's awesome!
I hope you had a wonderful anniversary!
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