Roughly 5 years ago, we were at a church convention in Minnesota and visiting the campus book store at Bethany Lutheran College. Robb went to all the meetings while the kids and I explored campus, shopped, went to the zoos and did lots of other things.
In the campus bookstore, Meri found 3 little kittens - stuffed and flopsy. Each, I think cost almost $15, maybe more, but I won't admit it here. Maddy & I were busy checking out some sweatshirts and Meri sat on the floor and played with the stuffed kitties. All was fine until I told Meri she could pick one and I would buy it for her, then left her for a little bit to decide on my purchases. All the kitties were identical, so the choice shouldn't have been that difficult...
One would think....
I came back to get her and found this.

Her eyes were raw.
She looked at me tearfully and said in a way that made my heart melt.
*sob* "But .. they've .. never been .. apart..." *sob*
Meri got triplets that day.

She carried them everywhere on that trip. We found a basket at a second hand store and Hillary Duff, Sarah & Elizabeth became part of our family.

So anyway... fess up! Who has caved to tears?
My biggest regrets are those when I didnt cave into tears!!!! Those pictures are so cute!!!
Yup, she is adorable and there is no way that I could have said no to her. It will be a story that you will always remember and it was worth the $45!
Not me! I am way to mean to cave to tears. Bwaaaahaaaahaaaa!!!
I'm with Frances!! LOL!!
Nope not to tears, not me. Too much child phyc. going through my brain to do it. The little voices would be saying, "You're rewarding negative behavior with postive reinforcment which will make the negative behavior become more prevelent next time......."
I must confess I'm a super meanie too!!! hahha! In fact, the more they cry, the more I remain steadfast. My poor kids.
Val, I found you at Katherine's Corner and decided to check out your site. Just read your post about the three kittens and giving in to kids. What a charming story.
I'm a lot older than you are and have grand kids now. But I sure do remember those times when the big eyes and the tears won out over the budget and common sense.
Love to have you visit my site at: Thanks, Nancy
Well if the beaming face in the sombrero didn't tell ya you spent that money wisely, nothing will!lol
Though at $45 I would have either put up a fight when told to hand over that amount of cash or I'd have talked the shop into a discount....but that's ol tightwad me!!lol
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