Challenge to you! I'm swamped today. Here's a picture I found on my computer yesterday. Write a 1000 word essay on what it says to you. Besides the fact that this is pre-hippy hair & piercing days for my son... I'll tell you the story behind it tomorrow.

Ok - just kidding.. You don't HAVE to do 1000 words! Just tell me How's your day so far?
Wellllll, it is getting better but it started out with the dog upchucking his breakfast on the rug, about 2 seconds after I moved my head thank goodness. It was only up from there....
Started with a 3 a.m. migraine and now I have headache hangover. But this spicy salsa shot (photo for a label for the jar perhaps??) made me chuckle - love it when the kids allow you to record their more outgoing/goofy moments!
Hmmmm... did Mama make some salsa?
I am at work....always at work. On the bright side, I get to leave in 4 hours. Sorry you are swamped, hope it gets better.
Went to the art museum with the hubby and son where it was quite and cold.
Orthodontist, then Rite-Aid(where else do I ever go??lol), and now home to clean, yell at dogs, make dinner and wrote blog posts in between.
Aye Carumba! It looks like Senor Ryanesto is doing his best Carol Merril(the old prize model lady from the Price is Right)impersonation.
Buy this salsa and your lips will be on fire and puff up and make you more kissable!lolol
Hope the rest of the day goes quickly for you......!
What the...?
My day is okay so far. :) Can't wait to hear the story behind the crazy picture tomorrow!
"I am the world's most interesting teenager. I don't always eat salsa, but when I do, I eat Mama Val's Salsa. Stay hungry my friends."
well done. we made some salsa the other day -- only my husband "ruined" it with an overload of cilantro :-(
I want to smack my daughter around. Now that she is 18, do I finally have permission?
We are having a graduation party for her and her brother. It is a family party and 80 people are coming. UGH, I don't even know where to put them all. People were inviting more people and then we got to 80. Anna had a fit saying that she wanted another 10 friends to come. Ummm no its a family party.
So that's my world right now!
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