Some sights that I've seen over the last few days....

Meri and a couple of her friends next to her friends heifer. A few minutes after this, my two girls and these girls had their picture taken by a photographer from a local cartoon mag that comes out every week. Yes! My girls will be published! And then immediately Maddy had another cow headbutt her on her backside.

I was sitting in a building watching some local school celebrities milk cows for sport. yes, you heard me... And I happened to look out the window and saw this little boy digging in his pocket for some rocks he'd been collecting. As he dug deeper and deeper, he was pulling his pants down. I chuckled as I grabbed for my camera, but by the time I got the silly thing on and zoomed in, his grandma came and rescued him.

I mentioned milking cow race, right? It's called the Celebrity Milkoff. The teacher from our school came in 2nd place! And that was AFTER the cow tipped her bucket over and she had to start over.

And look! My girls looking like the LIKE each other! They're tired of the fair stuff as I'm sure you are too. It's been hot and today is supposed to be even hotter. I'm SO glad we don't have animals down there and have to stay the whole time!
Just one more event tomorrow evening then we can bring all our projects home! Whew! It's been some ride!
Great pics!
How long does your county fair run? Ours was just 3 days.
Ok, I've NEVER before heard anyone use the words "school" and "celebrities" in a sentence together.lolol
Looks like a lot or fun...and a lot of work too...
Great photos! Love the celebrity milkoff...
Excellent photos. Going to the county fair is the highlight of my year. And even as I wrote that I thought, "How sad, I have no life."
Great pics! I haven't been to a county fair in years. Maybe I should find one to go to.
Cows make all experience better! Who doesn't like a cow? I would love to see a cow milking content. Even more, I would love to see my sons in a cow milking contest. Wasn't the moment where your girls acted like the LIKED each other wonderful! I always wish those moments lasted longer with my sons! It looks like you had a great time! What fun!
Celebrity Milk off? That sounds like something that would happen around here. How long did they actually like each other? lol
What fun! I want to go to a celebrity milk off (I think...)
You notice how the pic of your girls "liking" each other is from behind. It's easier to fake that way I guess.
Those pictures are awesome! I love the image I get in my head of being head butted by a cow. LOL
cool - you'll have to post the pics of the girls in the magazine
Well, I certainly did none of that this weekend! Looks like fun though.
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