We have had thunderstorms the last two - three nights and it's wreaking havoc with our town and neighboring communities. Flooding galore. One of our neighbors had their basement flooded and lost all their carpet and some of their furniture that they weren't able to move up immediately. Another suddenly has a dock instead of a deck two days in a row...

The college town nearby has been hit even worse. I can't believe they built a brand new Walmart in the
everyone knew it flood zone! I may never buy groceries from them again! Ok - kidding... My son is a vegetarian and their tofu is cheap. *
Anyway, water water everywhere.
With a usually dinky creek behind our house, but it's pretty swollen now, I can really relate to the following phrase...
Lord willing and the creek don't rise.
We should be ok, but the people who bought our old house across the creek, may not be so lucky this time...
My Grandma was talking about the rain in Des Moines and friends in Ankeny and Ames had flooded basements, parking lots and such. I even heard part of the interstate got shut down! The last floods I remember were 93'
Oh my! We've had a lot of rain too. I just got all wiggly inside when I saw the streets flooding last night...I would NOT like to have a creek in my back yard threatening to get my house. Stupid rain. Get the sand bags ready!
Hope it stops raining soon!
Send it my way, we're in need of it! Though when walking to my car this afternoon in downtown Cincinnati it rained hard,as in hurricane force winds, can't see three feet in front of you, rain. By the time I got close to home, there was nothing.....
Yikes!! I hope the creek don't rise on you honey!! ;)
My cousin lives right where you are. Her daughter is stranded on the south side of town because she can't get home due to the water!
Yuck and we never get rain. Weird weather!
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