Things found in mine...Mine might need some heavy duty scouring more often... but I think I'll keep it. Besides... I know where everything is! (for the most part...)
My baking stone looked like that! It was so 'seasoned' that it kept leaving a mess in the bottom of my oven. Was at a Pamper Chef show and the demostrator told me that to clean it, you put it in your self cleaning oven and set it to clean. Guess what/ It worked! Used it last night and it was great. Who knew cleaning it would be so easy!
I only have a kitchen because it came with the house. That is where I keep the charger and both batteries for the weed eater. Right on the cabinet so I won't forget! Martha would not even enter my kitchen!
We must shop at the same place!
I want Martha's kitchen. All that storage! *sigh*
Martha's kitchen is suspiciously "fake cheerful" -- you'll probably be happier in your's...
The reality of a kitchen is like that, each has his way to pick a ... ... find or lose yourself in them.
I'm with you! Except for Alton's knives. I'd kinda like to have those.
My baking stone looked like that! It was so 'seasoned' that it kept leaving a mess in the bottom of my oven. Was at a Pamper Chef show and the demostrator told me that to clean it, you put it in your self cleaning oven and set it to clean. Guess what/ It worked! Used it last night and it was great. Who knew cleaning it would be so easy!
I think my pans look worse than yours.
Yeah, what MiMi said. ;)
I think yours is much more interesting.
I only have a kitchen because it came with the house. That is where I keep the charger and both batteries for the weed eater. Right on the cabinet so I won't forget! Martha would not even enter my kitchen!
I'm laughing right now! I think your kitchen is the one that most resembles mine!
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