Now that my girl has her drivers license and a car to drive, I rarely see her. She volunteers herself out to the middle school people to sew. YES HER! Sewing!! Isn't it amazing what kids will do for other people that they won't ever do for their parents? Eat for the babysitter. Clean up the toys at a friends... sigh.
Doesn't this look like a face? :)

Just realized that my junk that I posted on Ebay was truly junk. I need to go through my "junk" and see what's worth selling. The rest can go to the Goodwill or Salvation Army.*******
Still thinking about that giveaway. I have an idea and it's Christmas related... I'm a Christmas nut! Why not?!*******
Moved my sewing machines and tables into Ryan's old room last night, as well as a bunch of my fabric stash. I've got some major sorting to do... But not before I try a few sewing ideas for Christmas presents! I'm horribly behind in the gift area. My best friend is almost done already...*******
Football game tonight!!! It's 50 degrees out this morning, so I'm sure I'm going to need a heavy jacket and blanket tonight at the game.*******
Still gazing at that long piece of toilet paper in our tree. It must have been one of the boys that pitched it that high...*******
The girl Golden Retriever would NOT come inside for Meri last night. I went out and thought I could see her eyes in the dark, but then with my peripheral vision saw two light colored parallel sticks next to the garage. I realized it was her and she was NOT coming to me... It was kind of creepy. I took the chance that it wasn't a wolf and stepped out of the garage in the dark, crouched down and coaxed her to me. She finally came, but I got in the garage and locked the door so fast, you'd think I had super human powers!I'm so glad it wasn't a wolf.
Have a great weekend!
I dread when my daughter gets a car because she loves to go to everything she's invited to; then she won't be home very much.
My kids do more for other people, too.
I'm in need of some crafty ideas for Christmas prizes for bunko. Please share some of what you are up to in that department. I am so in need of inspiration!
That house got hit really hard with toilet paper! I'm still laughing and shuddering...all that time untangling tp would take away from my blogging!
It did look like a face!
And are you happy to have a sewing room or is this a sad thing? I would hate to say one way or the other.
Have a great week one that is hopefully calm!
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