He's blocked it on the main floor tv so he won't accidentally click onto that channel. There are other reasons, but I won't go into them here.
Meri and I love to sew. That's a fact. Meri especially loves to design and get inspired by tv shows that are all about sewing. We're very into Project Runway.
Robb has another name for it, but I won't go into that here... But I will tell you about the official name he's given it.
Once she and I were talking about some of the characters on Project Runway and getting all excited and bummed out at the same time about contestants that had been kicked off or won. OOH! Cassanova's stuff is SO cool! I LOVE Mondo's designs! Gretchen and Ivy are evil! Did you see Valerie's dress? LOVE it! I can't believe Peach went home!!!

So now, when Meri and I talk about Project Runway action and he asks what we're talking about, we answer The Show That Must Not Be Named. He named it that and knows immediately. He goes in the other room! :) We still talk about the contestants... We just don't name the show.
So honey! If you're reading this... LOVE yoU!
Anyway... I saw a website about one of the contestants that had been kicked off and she's got a major project going. Looks way cool! I saw that she had Facebook, so I checked it out. It's her personal one! Not just a business type fan-club thing. COOL! I asked her to be my Facebook friend. AND she accepted! So HA! She's got 3000 friends... what's one more?
When people ask me... How do you know her?
She's from The Show That Must Not Be Named!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Haha. I love that show!
Well you can't just say a cast-off designer has a big project going and not tell me whom it is!lolol
Did you know that Leeanne still has an Etsy store?
And that there's a fabric boutique in Philly that carries Jay's fabric line he designs?
And that I follow Santino and Timm on Twitter?
Now, can I talk That Show that shall not be named with you??
Who do you & Meri think will win this season?
I've known since the 2nd episode...at least in my own mind.lol
I too love Project Runway!
I LOVE Project Runway and I LOVE Lifetime. So plllllbbbbbtttt.
I feel hubby's pain. Around here, the men are always talking about some show that I never watch too. Needless to say they don't watch my shows, and I don't watch theirs but they have fun making fun of my shows.
That great that she friended you on FB!
I LOVE Project Runway. In fact, I just finished watching last night's ep. on my DVR. I hope Mondo wins!
How funny! I don't watch PR, but do watch some shows that Hubby could not care less about.
And he watches sports. LOL!
Compared to 99% of what is on tv these days, that is a good show! Your husband is funny!
One of my roommates when I lived in Brooklyn was an amazing designer and he almost made it onto The Show That Must Not Be Named. He made it to one of the final rounds and was told his stuff was perfect - for the previous season.
His name is Ronie Reives (or Rieves - I don't remember). He has a Facebook and Myspace - and probably a bunch of other websites.
It is wonderful you and your daughter enjoy watching watching a show together and have such fun talking about it! You will both treasure those memories when she goes off to college.
We do stuff like that all the time here. Den had a friend that drank all the time and when he called we would ask which defcon he was at. The higher the number the more intoxicated he was.
Ha..ha.. funny story. I watch that show too and like it.
Ha..ha.. funny story. I watch that show too and like it.
I tagged you on Cheap Wine and Cookies!
Too funny!!! DH call Lifetime a man bashing channel too!
Have fun!
We don't have cable so I miss out on a lot of these gems of shows, but I did catch Project Runway when we were on vacation this summer and I know that I'd be hooked if we did have cable - got to see Gretchen and her conniving ways!
@ Carma: Get hooked on project runway by watching it on line! I do. GO to the lifetime website to watch.
C'mon, tell us who friended you and what the big project is!
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