Now when I say busy, I mean... Busier than a one eyed cat watching nine mouse holes. Busier than a one legged Riverdancer. Busier than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

Football game, Ladies Guild meeting, Fall church cleaning, rescuing my mother-in-law from a fender bender, sitting at Midas for 2 hours. YES! Two hours!!! More on that later. Grocery shopping, Choir practice, Sunday School, church, wedding reception, visit a friend, cleaning the house in a frenzy, hosting a card making party.
And suddenly it was Sunday night at 8pm. And I used my precious leftover weekend minutes sorting and folding fabric in my NEW SEWING ROOM!!!! Trust me, that time wasn't wasted. I love having my own space for my crafts.
Wow. I'm just glad I have a chair to fall into at work.
My hip is out, my feet are killing me and my right arm muscles are doing something funky.
But enough about me. Let's talk Maddy's car!

I still need to do some serious detailing on it and that may improve things. But those are cosmetic. The brakes squeal, there's a strange loud rattle in the front left side and the anti-lock brake light AND brake light are on solid with a loud beeping sound when you first turn the car on. It freaks out her friends... And the oil hasn't been changed since the Nixon administration. Well... as far as I know. We got it less than two years ago... (ok -ok - the oil HAS been changed since we got it at least a few times... But when is my son ever home?!)
So I took it into Midas Saturday afternoon. Jiffy Lube, it's not. However they were VERY nice and checked over everything. During the first hour, I walked up to Hobby Lobby and got some perfect jars to put my homemade vanilla in for Christmas presents. SSH! Got a Moolatte on the way back. Again, SSH! Then sat and went over a whole Women's Journal. WHOLE. Then texted my sister pestering her with how bored I was and found out I was missing my nieces 2nd birthday. *shoot*
Turns out the brakes are just fine. Whoever put the last set of brake pads in used cheap metallic brakes, which squeal. So at least we'll know when she's sneaking in at night, right?? Don't read this Maddy! The brake lights are on due to some issue in the anti-lock brake line, but it would take them an additional $79 and 3 hours to trace it and really the regular brakes are fine and my daughter is safe to drive it! So I put that off for the time being. Oh and it needs new tires before winter... sigh...
Got the oil changed while I was there and ticked off someone who had been waiting longer than me to get his car in by my asking them to do that... hmm.. It doesn't look like HIS day either!
I think the rattle and ABS lights are due to when Ryan backed it into a creek bed during a thunderstorm last spring... That's MY suspicion anyway. The world may never know.

I don't know how it's physically possible to fit that much into a weekend. Did your weekend have extra hours in it?
I recommend you look into the Pain Free dvd's by Pete Egoscue. You would be amazed at how the simple stretches in this program will relieve your body of pain, whether it be hip, back. neck or arm. It realigns the body much the same as chiropractic care does. It has done wonders for my husband and I. They also have books. The books go into explanation of how the body works and how the exercises work. They also have exercises.
Ok, by comparison I want to see how long a list of activities was on your hubby's schedule for the weekend.
It IS possible to have "Too Much On Your Plate" ya know....lolol
And I so get the thrill of sitting and enjoying sorting your fabric! Once a year I like to dig mine out and sit and sort and refold....and touch & caress it....and smell it....and visualize....and reminisce over when I got it and the plans I have for it-those some day plans when I transform it into something awesome.....aaahhhhhh ;-)
My oldest son had a car that had that smell in it too. We passed the car down from son to son until my brother bought it off of the last son to use it. It still runs great but it still has that smokey smell inside. Wish I could say we've done nothing to it but in reality we tried everything.
Oh and the bad news of it too: the drug dog at their school AWAYS sniffed that car!
My brother had a stinky took him 2 cans of Febreze and then 3 days letting all of that air out to smell "decent."
I wanna see your craft room!!!
"And the oil hasn't been changed since the Nixon administration."-Laughing, laughing, laughing!! I'm so sorry that you are having a hard time but you are quite witty!
I still don't know how you manage to do it all! You impress me. I don't work full time and I still can't get it all done!
Have a calm week!
Wow. You have been busy! Hope you're able to get some much needed relaxation tonight!
That made me tired just reading it.
Hey you! Sorry I've been a stranger, but you seem way too busy to notice my absence...just kidding! I am in awe of your schedule...okay, not really. But I am jealous of your craft room. I used to have one until my 1 year old took over. It;s now her playroom. I got a sewing machine for my bday but have nowhere to set it up. I hate waiting at the mechanics. I hate it more when they find 5 things that need fixing when I only only came in for an oil change. I'll try not to be such a stranger round these parts!
On my Saturn (sold a few years ago) - the ABS brakes went out right before our trip out West. And when I found out how much it would be to fix it, I didn't bother either. As long as I still had the regular brakes I figured I'd not sweat it -- so frustrating though. The car was not that old at the time...
Hope she enjoys her "new" car!
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