I did!
My best friend hates to vote because every time she registers she gets called for jury duty. Ordinarily she wouldn't mind... But she's got MS and a couple other things and is in a wheelchair. It's a real hardship to leave the house. They have to get their doctor to sign a medical excuse form each and every time and it's been several, so now she prays rather than voting.
Anyway, I went into the polling place this morning with Meri and she watched all the procedures to get a ballot into my hands.
She picked out the booth for us to go to and later realized we were in the handicapped one...
Then I ran her to school.
Should be an interesting day and tomorrow hopefully the political calls will stop!!!! Woohoo!
Have a great day everyone!
I hope you picked a winner!
6:55a found me in line, coffee in hand, to vote. Now on to the rest of the day.
Kat's home sick so I'll have to wait until Shane gets home to go vote.
I've only been called to jury duty once. I actually thought it was an interesting process and case (had to do with embezzlement), but it got settled out of court on the second day, so I didn't get to see or be part of the entire process.
I am SO glad that the stupid election day is here!
And so glad I voted and you did too! Cuz I know you vote like me. LOL!!!
I feel for your friend but we seriously need BOTH voting and praying when it comes to politics.lolol
I am on my way out the door in a bit. I have to wait until everyone voting on their lunch break is done so I don't have a very long line to wait in.
And WOHOO! for the end to calls and ads and my mailbox full of candidate cr**!
Will be glad for the calls & junk mail & mudslinging ads to stop :) I voted first thing today. It will be interesting to find out what the outcome is on everything tonight! Good idea to take your daughter so she can see how all of this is done! -Tammy
How great that you took Meri with you to see how it works!
I'll be biking over to my polling place after work (not metro *or* bus accessible). Of course, in DC we have taxation without representation so it's just local elections, and in a city that is 96% Democratic our "real" election was the primaries last month. But I will vote nevertheless!
Glad to hear that you voted. I did today as well!
I voted this morning. We've gone to a new system to cast our vote, I hate it! See my FB update to see why...
you betcha - I did early voting.
A friend of mine tried the not registering to vote to avoid jury duty method too and it didn't make a difference...
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