I did my monthly garbage run. For those of you newbies, I'll never tell the story again as I got flamed bad when I told it the first time. In fact, I deleted it. Some things will have to remain a mystery.
Anyway, after that I visited my son, dropping off a winter coat, laundry, etc. I came home to tackle those drifts of corn husks. I raked them onto a tarp and an old sheet, tying up the corners and hauling them out to the town yard waste spot. It took about 8-10 trips. I lost count after a while.
But while I was at it, I pulled out my trusty hedge trimmer. This thing is awesome!

I started with my hedge trimmer back by my peony plants, which grow alongside my deck. It had gotten nailed pretty hard with the corn husks and I couldn't rake them out of the plants. So I decided to whack them with the trimmer. I slid the trimmer under the leaves and waved it back and forth at the base of each plant, then started raking it out.
Easy peasy! no?!
As I raked, I noticed a coax cable flailing up and back. uh oh.
I failed to remember that the cables for our phone, internet and cable are all right there, above ground, not buried. You see... our dogs used to be able to get under the deck until our retrievers decided to use the cables for chew toys. We've had the cable and phone guys out so often around that time that they know the dogs by name and swear at them in front of us.
I only saw one cable was cut. So I ran inside. Meri was doing dishes and watching Good Luck Charlie on the tv. I asked her if she had any interruptions on the tv reception, figuring it was the phone/internet cable that I'd hit. She answered me grumpily. "Argggh! The tv went out, so this is a recording!" Whew! Maybe it's just the tv! I ran and checked the internet while she called the time and temperature number for me.
Both were working. WHEW! So it was just our cable cable...
I left a voice message for our cable company and then went back out to work more on the yard work. Robb came home a minute or so later, so I called him over for good news and bad news... He just looked at me and shook his head. "Do you not know what premiere is showing tomorrow night?" uh oh... That new zombie The Walking Dead tv show...

Robb brought back the crock pot of chili that he'd taken for a mens outdoor cleaning day at our church. No one stuck around for lunch, so he brought it all back home. So guess what WE had for lunch! YUM! Sounded better than the mac and cheese I was going to make Meri make.
So while we're sitting at the kitchen counter eating lunch, I saw our cable company truck drive past! YES! A mere 30 minutes after I'd left the message!! I ran out to flag him down just in case it was coincidence that he was in my neighborhood, but he stopped in front of our house so it wasn't necessary for me to throw myself in front of him. I explained what happened and he took a look at the damage. He noticed that there was still lots of chewing on the cable for the part under the deck still.
I... don't ....believe ...I've heard this many prayers started in the span of 5 minutes...
He found some cable to fix it with and did a temp fix until someone can come this week and bury the cables for good. Good thing he's a zombie fan and was looking forward to the premiere too! He understood how this little act of fixing a cable saved my marriage.

You, my dear, are one BLESSED woman!!!
And, you've inspired me to get a move on my front garden before the snow flies.
Thanks...I think. ;)
DOn't you hate when something like that happens. Just when you think you are getting ahead, you go and screw something up. And by the way I'm still taking a ton of crap for shutting off the satellite!
well I guess this makes me glad that my cable comes in off the power lines, to the top part of my house or I would never have cable, phone or internet again in the house....
When ANY utilities companies come within a day of your calling that IS a miracle!
Seriously. That show was awesome. Glad your husband was able to see it. Hee hee.
This makes me glad I don't have to do yard work. LOL!
Glad you got the cable on in time.
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