Well - Friday afternoon when they left, the weather here was yucky. Cold and rainy the whole evening. My Pampered Chef party still got about 6-7 women, so it did scare off some, but GREAT party anyway! The food was great and the ladies all had a wonderful time visiting.
Before they left, Meri got some tips from some friends at church on how to speak Minnesotan. I'm not making fun!!! Seriously! They're from there originally and have lots of friends there!
Apparently there was two different says to say boat!
In Iowa.. "boat"
In Minnesota... "boat" (only longer and I think you make sure the "a" sound is slightly heard or at the very least an extra syllable...)
You gotta listen closely before you're saying it correctly...
Well - Meri's gang was headed north and the next morning she called to announce that they had 10 inches of snow up in Minnesotay! We still had the cold cold rain, but it was lessening throughout the day for us. The temp stayed around 35 degrees so we had no worries down here. They were staying at a barn-type bed & breakfast. She said that the snow was so heavy on the roof that sometimes it slid off and sounded like thunder...
In the afternoon, the power went out at their B&B! It didn't come on for quite some time but they were still doing crafts by window-light. The place got colder and colder until finally they decided to go into town and stay at a motel and get dinner there. Most of the other guests decided to stick it out. Just Meri's group weinied out. They had a super dinner where Meri had shrimp. She's a sucker for shrimp!
I got texts from her every few hours throughout the day keeping me abreast of their situation.
On Sunday morning they went back to the B&B and found that the rest of guests had in fact weinied out as well and gone back to their homes. They apparently lived close by. Meri's group crafted some more and got back home by dinner.
Maddy decided that it sucks to be an only child! You're always the center of attention. Have to do EVERYTHING (ha...) and it's lonely... Awe poor thing! All she had to do was jump on the piano, which she did and she didn't have to do anything! Plus she was gone doing the high school play stuff all weekend! I think she just missed her sister.
Today I'm sporting a necklace Meri made for me over the weekend. She's wearing one that her friend made.

Do you know she didn't get homesick once?!
At least not that she admitted... It was a huge adventure!
I wanna go next time!
Wouldn't we ALL like to get away for the weekend??? And have shrimp!! Yummy!
Glad she has a good time.
I love the necklace! We heard this guy speaking at church and he was speaking with a weird kind of accent...turns out he was canadian. lol
So true though...I prefer to have more siblings, so blessed mine get along very well with each other!
Hope the sun is shinning back again!
Cute necklace and your daughter's weekend sounds so nice!
I'm totally jealous of Meri's weekend away!
Ugh, snow!?!
Though at this point and time I would take any percipatation from the sky, even snow. We are now -10 inches of rain here :o(
What a weekend! Love the necklace...still can't believe MN got all that snow so early in the year.
Ah, the accent of Minnesotans. I love to hear people from Maine, too.
SNOOOOW! As us Minnesooooatans would say! It was a doozie that's for sure. So glad they made it out alive. *wink* And that necklace is adorable!
(Is it weird that a Korean has a Minnesotan accent? Is it weird my Korean daughter says Uff Da?)
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