Meri had a friend over on Friday night. They did blind make overs. You don't know what that is? Well, let me tell you...
You blindfold yourself, then give your friend a make over when you can't see her.
Finished products!

Then later, they cleaned themselves up and did a Not-So-Blind make over on each other.

I'm not so sure which kind I like better!
We girls can come up with some pretty interesting entertainment. That's hilarious!
Um, I do a blind makeover on myself every morning.
I think I'll stick to doing my own makeup.
I am not coming to your house for a makeover.
I don't think they'll be getting jobs at the makeup counter any time soon....
Funny! Looks like they had a great time!
This is HILARIOUS!!!! I definitely think that in a few years, she will not be caught dead doing this...
hmmmmm....not sure I'd sign up for one of those blind makeovers!
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