Or to be more exact... burnt fudge!
I made my sister Tammy's fudge on Friday night. YUMMO! It didn't turn out quite like I anticipated. Apparently I didn't get it all the way up to the actual soft ball stage, which is not good. I was hoping to take it to a Christmas party on Saturday night. Well, after it sat in the fridge all night I sampled it in the morning.

At that point, it was feeling stiffer, which is good! So I stuck it in the fridge again.
By this time, I'd sampled quite a bit in it's various stages and the ending product is roughly 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick. *but it was sooo worth it! Because YUM!* So anyway, I pulled it out of the fridge Sunday morning to see how it was.
I couldn't get it out of the pan... *blink* *blink* I banged that pan around, poked at the corners with forks and sharp instruments and managed to pop it out finally onto the counter when a corner of it broke off. I tasted it. mm.. I tasted another little piece. MMM...
I suddenly felt like the folks who dropped their chocolate bar into someone elses peanut butter.
It was good! Pretty darn good! Just a lot harder and thinner than your ordinary fudge and a bit more brittle. So.... I've invented a new treat. Maddy thinks it looks like beef jerky, but we prefer the term chocolate jerky or chocolate brittle.

i like jerky fudge...sometimes it's so hard to cook-not easy! but de-o once we've figured it out:)
This is the story of my life (of cooking)...Betty Crocker I'm not!
Sometimes our cooking accidents are happy ones.
Chocolate jerky....lol
Looks like you've discovered what we affectionately called "fickle fudge" growing up.
Still tastes good though!
I do not have very good luck with fudge so i always hope to get it as a gift! LOl. Looks yummy though!
I didn't know your husband played the bagpipes! My Dad enjoys them and has always wanted to learn. Where did your husband find lessons? Or is he self taught?
Have a great day!
At least it ended up ok!!
That reminds me....I want some fudge!
Fortunately, I make pretty good fudge. I just have to do it.
Your jerky looks pretty yummy!
Candy recipes are really difficult I think. But I also think it looks good!
Chocolate jerkie sounds interesting. But I would have to try it first. OK send some my way, so I can give it a taste ;o)
It would probably ship well. Do it again and send me some!
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