A lot of you guys have been impressed with my collage'ing talents.
And Thank you very much! :)
However... I'm not the talent behind the collages. I don't have enough time in the day to line up a photo to fit in an exact spot. Who does? Martha Stewart? Probably.
Anyway, I use the Picasa program that I downloaded for free from download.com. My husband trusts this site and so do I. If you want to go to the actual link for Picasa on their site click HERE. When you install this program, it will go through all the photos on your computer and arrange them in date order.

Then you can just scroll down through all your photos chronologically and find the one you're looking for without hunting through the billions of folders individually! It will let you manipulate photos too. Brighten, sharpen, crop, red eye reduction, etc.
The really neat function that you've been drooling over is this... Start by just clicking on any photo you want in a collage, then hold the control key and click on any others you want to add. You know how to do this! Then click on the collage button at the bottom of the screen! Voila! It's a collage! And then you can tell it what style of collage you want. Mosaic, thumbnail, scattered pictures, etc. And if you want a different color behind them. You can move the pictures around, turn them, enlarge them, whatever...
Anyway. That's my secret. SSH!! No wait. Go ahead and tell someone if you like it!
Fine print... I do not get paid for this, but I should huh?
I used Picasa to do my collages of the summer. It took me a bit to figure it out even though I've had it forever. :)
I use Flickr most of the time, so I will have to check this out.
thanks for spilling this secret. I wondered about it - and I likey!!!
It is a great program.
You rock!
What can I say, I just am not meant for the world of technology. I have downloaded Picasa, and do you think I could figure it out for the world of me!!!
Glad to hear though that your husband considers it safe. My husband is always on me about what I'm downloading.
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