Mimi has challenged us. Yep. I'm attaching this as a linky, which I so rarely do because mainly... I forget. I had a super story to tell you about something that Mimi would call an F-bomb. But since I don't swear, except for at disobedient puppies and loose mice in my garage, I don't normally participate in those either... and I so rarely do anything worthy of using the F-bomb. But I had a doozy to share with you today. But that's on hold now because she's replaced F-bomb Friday with this format of a linky instead. But maybe I'll make Monday a Doh!Monday and share my story then!
Anyway, back to the linky rules. I need to review my year and label it. Cruddy? Super? Meh? whatever it was. But parts of it were each of those items and other colorful adjectives, so she wants us to break it down into chunks.
Today's is January thru March. I'll break it down by month...
January - My youngest turned 10, my oldest broke up with his girlfriend, my middle child played in several jazz competitions. There's tons more, but that about sums it up... I think January is one of my favorite months outside of the Christmas season because the Christmas rush is over, the house is still fairly decorative because who takes down their tree and stuff immediately after Christmas?? Scrooge?? yes. My husband? yes. Me? No way Hose! Or as Robb puts it, No way Jesus! There's usually snow and I typically take the free time I now have because I'm not scrambling making or buying gifts to enjoy the time together as a family without feeling like I need to be doing something. It's nice and the house is warm. My January was good, except for the break up thing... That was puzzling.

February - Ah February. Maddy was invited to the Sweetheart dance. and then there is a thing known as TMI, Too Much Information... I shared my trilogy-plus of Tales from the Dad-side with you all. My dad is funny! He has so many interesting and crazy stories to tell and I've got them all locked up here in my crazy inherited brain of mine! I shared a few stories that he'd told us through out the years of
pranks he pulled, old women he scared, a wedding party he broke up... Things I still laugh about to this day. I learned that sometimes those stories turn people off and I found that every single time I told one, I lost at least one follower! Weird huh? The thing is I've got exactly 162 stories left to tell but I'm afraid to! :P Oh well. February was good. Oh and my cell phone died. Got the exact same one off Ebay and switched things over to that. Whew.

March - Consisted of
Spring break with my hubby and girls in Branson Mo! On the way, I got to meet one of my loyal bloggy buddies
Annie Jones!! Hi Annie & Kat!!! We were recovering from flu on the way down, but then Robb caught it when we finally got to our cabin. He couldn't sight-see with us at all except for the last day there. Then I almost
ran over Meri with the car. Eventful month!!! Enjoyed St. Patrick's Day meal with friends. Then scrambling sewing! I made the
Easter dresses for the girls. Seems to me that this was done in our hall way because my son had moved back home. Yep - just checked with my husband. Ryan moved back home in March. Our grocery bill went up as well as gasoline bill.

Ok - that concludes my formal 1st part obligation to Mimi. All rights, privileges to share and keeping silent laws have been contractually fulfilled. Carry on with your day!
Cool! It's almost like reading someone's diary! More, More!! :)
Interesting! I like it, do tell more.
Hi right back atcha!
162 stories left and 162 followers left...hmmmm.....are you that brave?lolol
And it seems like only yesterday that your phone left this world....time does fly, doesn't it? ;-)
I only have to look at my grocery bill to know when all the kids are home too.lolol
HAHA! Love the disclaimer! :)
I remember your dad's pranks. The mouse!
I miss snow . . .
And I still remember the drama with your phone!
Thanks for playing along even if Mimi forced you :)
I went back and read the mouse post and left a comment, disgusting! But funny in a sick nasty kind of way.
The snow makes me laugh...because here it is mid December and it was near 80 degrees!
I want to hear more stories from the Dad-side! Your dad sounds like mine!
oh boy, i pretend that i can sew. i have a machine and a little pillow box that my mom gave me or i stole from her when she moved to hawaii. then i made a quilt, but had several people help me the entire way. then i made an apron, but couldn't use the pattern b/c i couldn't read the pattern b/c it was written in foreign language. example: it said "press the edges." i stood there pressing the fabric with my thumb for 20 minutes before i called my mom to help me figure out how to make it stick. she laughed and laughed, and laughed, called her friends and laughed with them, called her mom and laughed with her, did some more laughing, and then explained to me that "pressing" meant ironing. duh. why do they not just say "iron." see? i pretend i sew.
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