At least that's what my husband says... To the girls and myself, it is the smell of heaven! Yep. Clove/orange pomander balls. Isn't that what they're called?

I'll figure out a way to hang it when it's done. For the moment though, our hands smell wonderful and so does the kitchen. We poke holes in it with a fork and push the little whole cloves into each hole. It took almost an hour last night for her and I to get 75% done with one orange. Then she put another 20 minutes in on it this morning.

mmmmmmmmm. Don't know who dreamt up this idea but it was brilliant!

OH wow! That would smell divine! I need to do that...I'm gonna go and get the ingredients at the store!! :)
I knw that in France, you would sew it through with cotton yarn and hand it over some white spirit (eau de vie or white rum here) for a month and it's called Liqueur du Vieux Garçon aka Confirmed Bachelor's Liquor.
I haven't made these since I was a kid! We used to tie ribbon around it (several times around, like the ribbon on gift) so we could hang it, then put the cloves in wherever the ribbon wasn't covering.
We used to make these when I was younger! I loved them! We did like Annie Jones and tied ribbon around to make a "hanger."
I'm still getting over how long it took to make....
I haven't made one of these in ages, but they are so wonderful.
You certainly have a lot of patience maybe you can market them??
hahah:) how fun! you won the holiday card giveaway...send me a quick email so i can give it to her:) thanks
That takes me back to my childhood! We used to make those oranges when I was in elementary school. Thanks for all your sweet comments and prayers. Hugs.
I LOVE these things. And I haven't made one in forever! Probably because I'm lazy, busy, and not crafty even a little bit, lol.
I think it's cool and if it smells great - even better; husbands don't appreciate that kind of thing :D
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