When you finally get the mail!
We have a locked mail box across the street. We used to have one in the big line up of various mailboxes at the end of our dead end street, but they put this one up so we switched. The other one got hit a couple times... by me... If you pull too close the boxes, your car may slide a little in the snowy slush and take one out. Ours happened to be on the end and I nailed it. Someone else uses it now and I'm sure appreciates the extra little twist we put into it...
Anyway, since Thanksgiving, I've been pretty busy. YES! Too busy and lazy to walk across the street and get the mail! But it's been so blustery around here lately. Sometimes if I'm picking Meri up at the school, I'll stop and let her get it, but work has been crazy busy this week and I've been in a rush to get back to my office, so I've skipped it.
So yeah - it's been since a week ago Wednesday... The box was jammed packed! Those holiday magazines are like rabbits or coat hangers when in small places... Wow!
Well anyway, We got a wedding invitation for my nephew's wedding this weekend. Good thing! I thought the wedding started earlier in the day, so maybe now we won't have to leave at 2am to get there!
I also got a pretty pink envelope... Hmmmm.... Wonder who that's from!... Something stiff inside like a credit card, but my name and address are hand written...

Look what I found inside!!! A.Marie over at MyMoneyMissionOnline had a contest on Facebook a couple weeks ago. She goes by a different name there. So her contest consisted of, "The first person to comment with my name that I go by on my blog wins a $5 gift card at Target."
Woohoo! I knew!!! and entered the contest about 30 seconds after it was posted. It truly made my day as I was having a bad week. and now it has again! Thanks A.Marie!!
Go check her out guys! She's got great ideas on saving money.
Anyway, I'm going to be scarce today. Got lots of projects (both work and home) to wrap up in the next 2 days and precious little caffeine... Have a great Thursday!
I love getting the mail, but only when it has fun things in it. When it's bills, I don't even look at it, I just toss it on the table!
Um. A week without getting your mail?! I look forward to getting my mail EVERY day. Of course, we have a box on the porch so all I have to do is crack the front door open.
Hope there is more caffeine in your future.
The S*** is hitting the fan here this week!
Besides my computer dying BIL totaled his car.
Guess who gets to haul him around now because he can't afford to buy another car?ugh
Like I have nothing better to do....sigh
Sorry to whine. ;-)
I am glad you won! Hope things calm down for you soon.
you get some awesome ------pretty mail....i hit way too many things with our car...i'm a complete wreck when it comes to curbs and signs....snow or rain...sun or shine...i'm crazy...but i never,.. okay rarely hit cars...haha:)
What a nice surprize in your mailbox! Though I can't go a day without getting my mail, I would go nuts worrying about what neighborhood kid is getting it at night..
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