I was a very independent person outside of living at home. I had a good job, handled all my own bills,
That's when I rediscovered the attic of my dad's garage. He had built a 2 story garage about 10 years before and the upstairs was huge. Mostly used for storage, but there wasn't much up there. After begging for permission to make that my space, I moved all the stuff to one side of the attic and moved in. Taking my antique full sized wrought-iron bed, record player, shelving, all my favorite books, I made that space my own!
It was probably late September. I remember drifting off to sleep under several quilts and hearing the rain on the roof. What a great sound! During the time when I was home, I sat at my Grandpa's old huge walnut desk that he'd used in the parsonage and did my homework by lamp light. I still have that desk and it's being used as the computer desk in our living room.

Since the room was unfinished, air blew in under the roof overhang, birds flew in on occasion and once a bat...
And then the weather turned. The first morning that I woke up and my nose was frozen and the water in a cup I'd brought to bed was now in solid form, I knew it was time to move back into the house.
Well, that and the fact that my parents kept telling me too...
It might have only been a few months, but I loved the independent feeling that I got from the experience. After that time, a younger sister and myself moved into the 1st floor of the house instead. The main floor was the 2nd floor. We had a living room, bath, 2 bedrooms and access to the laundry room and upstairs whenever we wanted. So I guess the next best thing to living on your own... and a heating vent right above my bed.
I loved living in the dorm for the same reason! The problem was coming home and getting use to the rules of the house when you just lived 9 month with out them...
Both of my little sisters (and one sister's boyfriend's best friend--long story) are living at home with my parents as they figure out college and life and stuff, and I bet they would LOVE the opportunity to live separately from the 'rents. Gotta love having people who support you though. And heating vents right above your bed. Those are the best :)
Have an Extraordinary Day.
I moved out and went to college when I was 18. Then when it was time for grad school my mom cut me off and I had to move back home. Boy, was that ever and adjustment!
I sometimes wonder what would have happened to me if I would have moved out with my BFF like we planned on...only we would have been 1500 miles from home almost too and I wonder if I could've handled that.
Love that you converted the attic! When I came back home from college, I think my parents were so adjusted to being empty nesters that they often locked me out of the house when they went to bed. (It was an accident, right?!) Who says absence makes the heart grow fonder?
Love this blast from the past story~
The attic must be hot in the summer huh?
ps: McVal, you have great cheekbones!
That is a GREAT picture of you! Love the pic from the past...brings back memories!
I think twenty-somethings naturally don't mind the taste of mac n cheese for a reason...
I also had to live at home for college as we didn't have the money for me to live away. I so wanted to be independent! I dropped out of college and worked at Belmont Racetrack walking horses after they were trained....LOVED IT! Traveled to Miami AND Saratoga with the barn! Soem of the best two years of my life! That feeling of independence was heady! Thanks for reminding me of these memories!
I liked the pictures from college!
It certainly was a season to remember.
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