A Recipe To Make You Gag. From here on out shall be dubbed ARTMYG. I mentioned my iron deficiency issues yesterday, if you recall... So I'll tell you what I had for lunch and will probably again today.
But first a little history of liver...
To this day, when I hear the theme song to Hogan's Heros, I can vividly smell liver and onions cooking. SERIOUSLY... It would be on TV, my mom would be in the kitchen preparing it and my dad would just be getting home from work. I'm either thinking of just one specific memory and nothing else about it, or I had liver and onions every single night... Who knows? The only way I could eat it was with lots and lots of salt. So I grew up with it and thus became a saltaholic.. :)

Fast forward several years... Maddy is 2. Robb got home from work later one night, but I'd kept supper hot for him. Yep - liver and onions. I'm pretty sure I made something else for Ryan and Maddy as I knew they wouldn't like it. So Robb got his food and set it at the table and went in the other room for something. When he came back, he found Maddy chowing down on it. Wow! She likes it! Maddy likes it!
and yes... We store our spare kids in the pantry shelves along with the powdered sugar. They were actually playing hide and seek. That's Maddy and Ryan.Modern day... We have liver and onions on occasion but not very often. A friend, (Hi Doe!) gave us some when they got some beef from a local locker and some of it got lost in our deep freeze underneath other items. So one day, Meri was going to make spaghetti for supper and I told her to check out the freezer and find some hamburger. She called me from her cell phone. Yes, from 30 feet away, she calls me. "Mom, I found some in a white paper package and am thawing it out in the microwave." What does it say on the paper? I asked, knowing that I didn't buy hamburger that way. She answered, "Live-er" She pronounced it with a long I sound and it just didn't make sense to her. Oh honey, you don't want to put that in spaghetti... So we had liver that night.
So anyway, yesterday. Robb had found another package of the liver and thawed it out for my lunch. When I came in from my office, I chopped it up into bite sized pieces, breaded it with a combo of flour, cayenne, salt and pepper and fried the chunks in butter. Then salted it again before serving. I'm a saltaholic, remember? Had a nice fresh spinach salad along with and enjoyed my meal. It was actually quite tasty and I think I'm going to do that again today.
With fava beans... fa fa fa fa fa fa... Sorry, couldn't resist quoting from Silence of the Lambs!
Sorry if I made you gag or lose your breakfast... I did get my iron pills last night as well as a multi vitamin and lots of orange juice. So hopefully my body chemistry will get "in wack" soon. I feel like I have more energy already today. Can you OD on iron?
Call me strange but your Liver McNuggets for lunch sounds awesome!
And don't go stockpiling kids. They don't keep very well.....except for the teen variety which can be quite FRESH for years....hehehe
Oh I'm glad that you like it and you can have my portion. Ugh!
But super cute for storing your kids in the cabinets!
Oh I memories of liver too but not as fond as yours.
I was raised in a house where you had to take a serving of each dish mom prepared wheither you liked it or not. She also believed that you should eat liver once a month for some medical reason. I hated and still hate the tast of liver. I would find the SMALLEST piece there was and cut it into the pieces I could so that I could swallow them with a milk chaser to take away any taste of the liver. To this day, if hubby wants liver, he has to go out and get it somewhere else besides here...
Seriously going to have nightmares with all this liver talk. ;)
Hope you are feeling better!
I don't mind liver, add some fresh ginger & soya sauce is not bad either!
fafafafa...that is a classic movie moment~ eeeck!
Two things I HATE more than snakes. Eeew!
Do you make gizzards too?
Ummmmm gross!
I was nervous from the title so as I read your post I inserted different foods every time I saw "liver." Eeeewww.
My only experience with liver is that ONCE in my waitressing years someone ordered it and I held my breath while carrying it to his table. Not a fan...
Nice Hannibal Lecter impression. Hope you had a nice chianti as well.
I lOVE liver and onions, but for some odd reason, when I eat it, I feel sick. So, I avoid it!
Your liver McNuggets do sound amazing, though....
I had to laugh at Sluggy's comment...hahahaha!! :)
You CAN OD on iron...and, with all that iron, make sure to OD on laxatives... ;)
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