Well yeah, actually I do. I started telling her a story about my youth.
Mom, we've heard that one a hundred times...
Ok fine. But YOU GUYS haven't! So I'm going to regale you...
When I was in 4th grade, I was still in public school, switching over to our church school in 6th grade. But in 4th, I happened to be low on my lunch ticket so Mom sent a sack lunch for me. And I LOVE chili! So I begged to have her send chili for my lunch. We were pretty poor and didn't have the cutesy thermoses most kids today and probably back then had, so my mom improvised and put the chili in a jar.
I was pretty pleased with myself when I pulled it out of my bag and got ready to eat it at lunch time. There were some mean boys sitting at my table and one of them that I had a crush on said, "That looks like puke in a jar!"
Well, YOU know how tactful 4th grade boys can be...
I was crushed and humiliated! The chili, jar and bag got pitched in the garbage and I think I sat in the corner of the playground at recess and cried while my stomach growled...
Apparently leftover chili in a jar isn't cool food...
We stopped at the store last night after Bible study and Maddy picked out a cool style Lunchable.
She's got enough character so we don't have to build more on it with puke in a princess thermos... And yes, we do have the Princess thermos...

Little boys can be so rude!! I remember a few lunches that I didn't have money or a sack lunch to take. I am the second of 8 and we went hungry some times. I hope Maddy enjoys her chili. Take care.
Why do kids insist on making fun of lunches? It seems so silly to me!
I loved thermoses. Though I only had one old transformers thermos, I used it all the time.
I had a thermos container when I was little, but hated it. It was the old avocado green. Can you say 1970's child?
Kids can be such assholes.
Okay, I'm sorry, that's the second time in 2 days I've used the A-word.
LOL at Mimi's comment! But so true..! Oh, how mean kids can be. Sounds like some of the boys that sat at my lunch table ;) A nice Lunchable was a great choice! -Tammy
We didn't get to take our lunch to school until we were in high school. Mom thought we should get a hot lunch everyday, so we bought it every day. I SO wanted to take a sack lunch like all my friends. LOL!
Ahh yes - those darn boy! Mr OP used to call me names!
Love the princess look!
Why is it some things like that never leave?
And I really love the new thermos. Anna would have been in her glory when she was young, maybe still.
Have a great weekend!
I remember getting teased because my mom made me take my lunch in a reusable tote instead of a super cool brown bag that everyone else got. You are nice to allow your daughter a peaceful lunch experience!! My kids have those sippy cups. 'cept they are in plain blue and plain pink cuz I can't stand licensed characters! Ugh, see I'm still a mean mom in my own way. :o)
kids are cruel....i would have done the same...i think i pretty much starved my entire school years....no lie! it was embarrassing to go without money and not be able to buy what the rest of the kids were buying! which is why i now give M money every day and get my kids the same cool lunch bags:) love these stories! oh how times have changed-they invent the coolest things! xoxo
Mimi is right! lol
Cold Chili? Sorry doesn't sound that great but boys can be some of the meanest people on earth.
My mom never let me pack my lunch. She felt the cafeteria food was the best deal in town :o(
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