Guess what I found out on Monday night?!! I found out that I've been taking 5 times the amount of iron that I was supposed to... for the last two weeks... It pays to ask a pharmacist where the 325 mg of Ferrous Sulfate are...Oh. The 65 mg pills? But it says 65! And that's what I've BEEN taking. five.of... twice a day...
I called my doctors office and when I explained it to the nurse she almost started hyperventilating. Luckily since I already knew that I don't react well to iron suppliments, I was already taking preventative measures, so any real problems were eliminated. ;)
And yes, I just winked at you.
So anyway... I'm down to one pill twice a day.
My sewing project that I need to complete over lunch today is for my wonderful niece Grace. She's turning 7 tomorrow and I need to make her a pair of mittens and a replacement pair of elf slippers because the ones I made her for Christmas were too small. Wish me luck on guessing size 4 shoes!*********
20 degrees so far this morning. It feels good and I'm so ready for spring. If the groundhog sees his shadow, whenever THAT is, I'll have to strangle it. Because how does the saying go? If he sees his shadow then it's 6 more weeks of winter, otherwise only 1.5 months til spring?Something like that...
For my niece Bethany's confirmation and upcoming birthday, I promised her that I'd make her a dress. I took pics of several different dress patterns that I already had in and about her size and sent them to her via Facebook. She lives about 3 hours away. Out of all the dresses she could pick from, she picked the one I made for Maddy's confirmation! The one in red. 
Does it speak volumes about me and my family when the houses on both sides of us are for sale?Won't you be my neighbor?...
Funny thing, that iron. All the females in my family seem to have the opposite gut reaction to it, if you know what I mean. Kat can't even take Flintstones vitamins because it gets her belly in such an uproar.
Two houses across the street from us are empty, too. What are we doing that's driving the neighbors away? And why isn't it working on the neighbors next door?
I am happy you are making the neckline higher. otherwise it is a cute dress.
You are a wonderful aunt.
Winter here hasn't been to bad here,so I don't really mind this year. It is cold to kill the bugs, and just enough snow to keep the ground pretty. Hardly any wind this year so far, so no drifting snow.
I was petrified of taking too much iron. But I kept forgetting to take it so no worries. ;)
I would be your neighbor, but I don't think I could stand the temps. Seriously. Born and bred in the South, Brer Fox.
HAHAHAHA! I wish most of my neighbors would leave.
One of them has an Obama sticker on their car. Drives me nuts.
The others are just assholes. Can't use another word for them that isn't REALLY dirty.
So, what happens to you when you have too much iron???
I'd be your neighbor--don't know if you'd want me though--I tend to collect strays!!
Yikes on the iron pills!! I take a prescription one--don't know how many milligrams are in it though.
I really like the dress your niece picked out--you're a good aunt. I really need to get back into sewing--probably the only way I'll find dresses that I like.
Our 50 degree weather never arrived--instead we're still in the 20's-30's and it's pouring rain and snow right now--HUGE snowflakes! Hope you're having a lovely day. Take care.
You really need to teach some of the other women(and men, hey, I am an equal opportunity kind of gal!)in your rather large family how to sew.....so you aren't soldiering all the garment making duties.
Just sayin....lol
I would gladly be your neighbor! I'd love my neighbors to break out into bagpipe solos at midnight a few times during the year, and to pull pranks on us. Barking &/or loose dogs don't bother me either.
Right now we have the hermit and his wife of the disappearing RV across the street(they will NEVER move!), the quiet older couple from Poland next to us(we like them!), the snobbish family from India who won't have anything to do with us as we are "beneath" them(long story) and since we are on the corner the house on the other side of us is actually across the street too....that house has a reg. revolving door and about 5 families have moved in/out in the last 10 yrs. The current ones are ok tho they are standoff-ish. The last ones finally moved back to Georgia....she and her daughter were 1st class biotches, clammering to keep up with The Joneses who way over paid for the house and then sunk a bunch of $$ into it and redecorated/remodeled it into 1980's Over the Top Donald Trump style(if you can call that style!lol), psuedo Roccocco-esque drek(I know because I saw the photos in the real estate listing when they were selling it). I think the new owners tore everything out of it and started from scratch so it didn't look like Louis XV "Dynasty" hotel rooms inside.lol And that biotch had the balls to refer to ME as a Hillbilly....because I didn't dress like Joan Collins in some bad mini series movie and I didn't spend my time topiary training the trees in my yard.
I'll go scream into a pillow now.....lolol
You are so talented! :-) What did you do to your neighbors??? LOL
Have a good night!
I can only wish that my one neighbor would sale and leave.
I went to the store this afternoon and they had spring bulbs in bloom. They were wonderful to see but not worth the $9.99 price tag.
I would love to be your neighbor. I think you would be a great one!
You are a really nice aunt!
i can't believe you were taking that many pills-oooopsie i could never take those....i have a hard enough time taking my asprin once a day! you are theeee best mother and autie! i wish i could do those things...i will def. come be your neighbor so you can share these amazing things you make! ;)
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