So I'm stacking boxes of my fabric stash in my bedroom and moving my sewing tables back out into my hallway again. Good thing it's a bit wide and has good lighting! I've got a couple masterpiece dresses to crank out this spring. Ok 5. Easter is coming up, no?
I had a great weekend, but as usual it was much too short.
In the mail on Friday, (It's probably been sitting in the box since Tuesday...) I received a book that I won from Pennie at Mom Thoughts! "Song of Renewal" by Emily Sue Harvey. About a family who's daughter is in a car accident and in a coma. I can't wait to crack it open! Go check her out. She's amazing! Thank you Pennie! I'm sure I'm going to have to have some Kleenexes close by...
And I won two awards last week!!!

First one was from Christina at Rant Rave & Roll. I LOVE her Wednesday Funnies! I usually cut and paste them into an email for my husband, they are so funny... She calls me a Stylish Blogger. She obviously doesn't own a dictionary... but maybe my style is so unique that I don't even recognize it as a type of style. Maybe "I" need a better dictionary!

1) I went out to dinner last night with my hubby for Valentines day and did NOT even acknowledge the couple sitting behind us even tho the husband was a black belt and from the same TKDo club as me... Well, THEY didn't say hello either!!
2) My internet was acting very flakey last night and this morning and I wasn't even sure I'd be able to work this morning with it. But I diagnosed the problem and fixed it. Aren't I smart??!!! And because of that, the livingroom computer is down for the count. oops.
3) Talked about my 16 year olds potty training stories over the weekend in front of her boyfriend and his parents and she didn't even mind too much... Hmmm.. Wondering what I can get away with next!
4) I still have Christmas lights out in front of our house, but I DID take down the garland. It was looking pretty sad... and brittle.
5) I have a frosted cupcake candle on my desk but I so rarely have matches in the house so it just sits.
6) My little Sunday School kids are a hoot! I LOVE the preschool bunch! 2-5 year olds. wow. I'm so glad their moms sometimes hang out to help out! :)
7) I LOVE the album Anthem by Ronan Hardiman. I've found my old cd case, but can't find the cd. Dang. Where IS that??
ANOTHER award last week!!! How do "I" rate?! This one is from my twin Mimi over at 4 Living In France. Except for the fact that she Lives In France (not really), looks nothing like me, has a flat version of herself like Flat Stanley (I am SO jealous) and curses when she crafts. My husband says that if she lived next door, he'd never see me... Separated by over 1000 miles, it's like we were separated at birth.
She gave me the Memetastic Award!

1) My sister and I sang "'65 Love Affair" at the top of our voices after driving through rush hour in Kansas City with our extremely strict uncle in the back seat. And then got a lecture...
2) I was once spanked with a broom by my mom.
3) I failed to pay taxes in Nebraska one year because I was ignorant... It was a booger to iron out.
4) I once dated two boys at the same time and neither one found out.
5) My best friend, her sister and I dug a swimming pool in their backyard one hot summer day and filled it with the hose.
Which one is a lie?
Ok - I have to get back to work, so I don't have time to pick and choose the recipients of these awards.
I know.. I know... I'm terrible...
I hereby give these two awards to anyone who wants them! Please linky back to me so I'll make sure I check out your lists when you post them. Either one. The 7 random things about you or the 5 truth/lies quiz.
Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!!!!
Number 5 is the lie. Right? I dunno. lol!
Happy Valentine's Day! Hey, it's your day..."Val"entine's Day! I'm pathetic, I know.
Happy Valentine's day.
I'm going with #3!
So glad you got the book - you'll love it!
And, I don't think you EVER got spanked, much less with a broom...right?????
And you deserve every single one! I love the potty training stories one.
Heheh Val'entines Day that's funny.... Oh and as for which one is a lie I have no idea but for some reason I think it's not paying your taxes, no one forgets to pay those!
Congratulations on your rewards! That book looks like a good read. :-) Have a great night!
Spanked with a broom?! You go girl!!! You must have been a handful!
congrats to you darling! i think i need to make my girls some dresses because i never buy! too expensive! but i def. think christmas lights all year is pretty...who cares!:)
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