You cursed brat! Look what you've done! I'm melting! melting! Oh, what a world! What a world! Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness?
and your little dog too!
Saturday afternoon, Maddy and Meri got extremely wet while making a couple snowmen in our front yard. I was inside getting ready for our dinner party and it kept them from begging off of housework... Their lack of interest to help was plain to see, as plain as the nose on my face!
Here are their masterpieces!

That was the evening of "Meet The Parents"...
Bah! We've known them for 17 years! Maddy had attended Kindermusic with the boyfriend at his mom's house when she was in preschool. And their older son was one of my son's best friends for many years. But we'd never had them over for dinner.
We grilled out steaks and chicken. Robb had to shovel a path to the grill on the deck. Baked some ginormous potatoes. Gayle brought some homegrown sweetcorn that tasted like summer. HONEST!! It was THAT good! She also brought fruit pizza! *drools*

Then we broke out the Apples To Apples and my mother-in-law won. I think because she deliberately tried the most appropriate words every single time. dang. I should have tried that. When in doubt, I pick something that's an inside joke or the exact opposite... And Meri understands what most of the words mean now, so I can't bank on her picking Spiderman just because she loves him...
Anyway, we had a great time. I haven't laughed that much in one evening in a long time. Oh and this was when I told the potty training stories about Maddy. Of course we heard some funny things about the boyfriend too so it made it ok... It reminds me of Robb and my first years of married life. There was a girl that we worked with that on the weekends we got together with her and her fiance and had board game nights.
I need to make more time for things like that.
My! People come and go so quickly here!
Those are cute snowmen!
And I LOVE Mad Gab. :)
What a fun evening! And the snowmen are adorable!
Meeting the parents can be so nervewrecking! Glad you had fun and didn't have to stress about it.
I do believe those are the cutest snow people I've ever seen. Kudos to the girls!!!
I quote the 'Wizard' far too often myself!!!
God bless ya and have a beautiful day sweetie!!!
We play apples to apples all the time. One of the things that we do is argue why an answer is the best. I'm good at that. In fact, I once said that my card should be picked because the Beetles weren't real. Son picked it because he couldn't believe I said that!
You have some creative girls, those snowmen are too cute. Your evening sounds like fun. I need to do those things more often too.
I'm glad that you had such a good evening! And I love Apples to Apples. If you like board games try the Pit. We were screaming laughing!
I love the way the snowmen are holding hands.
This post brings out memories of VC's days at Kindermusik. So fun!!
I swear I need to pick up Apples to Apples. You're the second person to recommend it (the first being VC ;-) )
Those snowman are seriously awesome!!
What fun you had!!
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