I got an award and feel very special indeed... It's from Wild Irish Rose over at Sweeping Doody! Go check her out and tell her Howdy! So a big THANK YOU to her!!

1) I'm not the worlds best housekeeper and only clean my closets out when I'm mad at my husband... Lately they've been pretty messed up... I have a plaque in my home office that says, "The house was clean yesterday. Sorry you missed it." I'm trying to remember who gave that to me! What were they implying?!!!
2) I don't typically wear earrings because my ears get infected if I wear any for more than one day. So I save them for special occasions and I have 2 good pairs that I like to wear then. But for Christmas I got a beautiful pair from Maddy and I've worn them since. And guess what? No infections! They're a good set! With a matching cross necklace when I want to really dress up...
3) It was -2 degrees this morning when I ran Meri to school. But it's supposed to get up to 40 degrees by this weekend! Bring on the melting! I'm ready...
4) Worked with Meri on her learning all the 50 states this morning. They have a test every day until they pass it. She has to know the abbreviations too. I finally get the three states I've always messed up figured out now. M.A.G. Stands for Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia. I never said I was a geography wizard...
5) I can get ticked off by certain people sometimes... But I don't show it. My mother always told me that if I didn't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all... So I get kind of quiet and have the conversation in my head instead. Does that make me a psycho?
6) I keep a Maxwell House International Cafe tin on my desk with homemade powdered salt in it for when I have a popcorn snack... Don't try to make French Vanilla cappuccino with it. It just won't taste right...
7) I have this tractor pulley wheeley thingy that I think I got at some auction. Don't remember why. So I cleaned it up and put it out as a form of decor in my office. I think it looks kind of cool... But see that pencil underneath? I was in a phone meeting once and lost my pen. I saw that and grabbed it to write down some notes while on the phone. Apparently I put that pencil there for a reason... The thing rolls. As I'm talking, it starts rolling off the table and I grab at it twisting my wrist weirdly and it slams to the floor. It's back up there now, but that pencil stays put. If I have to write with a crayon instead, I will...

Here they are! My last 5 followers that have blogs. Go visit them and tell them Hello! I'm following each of them as well and I think they're pretty special.
Sheila at KnitsCooks&Crochets - FUN FUN projects and food and chatty! My kind of blog!
Confessions from a Compulsive Addict - Funny Funny lady!
Larri at Seams Inspired - She is the craftiest Christian I've ever met! Great projects!
Your Best Friend - Letters to a best friend. Things she'd like to say, but often doesn't. Very thoughtful!
Julocha at Moments of Perfect Clarity - my American friend who lives in Denmark! I've been following her interesting stories and family for a long time now. Her home and projects are gorgeous!
Anyway - you guys know the rules. Go forth and post!
Hi there!! Thanks for the award. I appreciate it. I have conversations in my head too--some of them get pretty strange--so I say you're not psycho--unless I am too and that's a real possibility!!! I hope y'all(all of us) warm up soon--this weather is getting old. Take care.
YAAAAY!! I won an award!!!! (By default of course but I'll still take it!)
We are in our second week of blizzard like conditions in Oklahoma so I can relate with your -2 degrees. I hate it. Oklahoma is NOT supposed to have this kind of weather.
I taught 3rd grade several years ago and my students had to learn the 50 states (and so did I because I was rusty). I wonder if I could still name them all with their capitals?
Your hubs is the one who bought you the clean house sign.
He thinks you aren't a good housekeeper.
Are you mad at him? Good. Go clean your closets now. :)
Congrats on the award!
I don't think you are psycho at all. My mom taught us the same thing. So when someone really irritates me, I write them a really nasty email...then delete it. Or revise it if I need to send a respons.
Some days, I delete a lot.
Congrats on getting the award and I love your rolly thingy!
Oh I am so not a good house keeper either. Luckily I cook pretty good and my husband really likes food
thank you for including me! i'll have to do a blog award post one day soon! :-) i do love a random list.
Clean out the closets? I'm suppose to clean closets? Wow guess that's why they all are so messy....
I loved this! I'm just like you - ticked off royally this week and DH said to stand up for myself but I just don't like confrontation.
Loved reading about you! Learn someting new every day... ;)
I love that wheelie thing, too! Very interesting...
I really need to remember that whole if-you-don't-have-anything-nice-to-say thing. Lately my big mouth has been getting me in trouble.
Congrats on the award!
So loved getting to know you better. (And just to keep it real...I'm typing this while looking at the dust-bunnies hopping around my room!) Thanks so much for the award!
Congrats on your award. We, your bloggy friends, have always thought you were fabulous. Now the rest of the world will know too. :o) Happy Thursday, sweet bloggy friend! :o)
very interesting; I'm also a psycho like in #5
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